Wheat prices are increasing rapidly due to situation in Russia, so how long before bread prices rise. And does the mean the end of chucking wheat in everything because it is cheap? ?
Aug 7, 1:38am
Maybe, like the 'coffee, banana and chocolate' shortages we are supposed to have had or are about to have, the wheat shortage will only be temporary and it will be back to business as usual with the next growing season, with maybe a permanent hike in prices - I mean why bring them down again if people were prepared to pay more?
One more thing - what is the situation in Russia. Do you mean the fires and heatwave?
If that is the case maybe I should start worrying about the price of caviar. lol (That was a tongue in cheek remark meant to add some levity, [just in case people want to attack me)]
Aug 7, 1:44am
Russia has banned exports of wheat until December. Prices have increased by about 65% in the last few weeks. They have a drought and normally supply about 25% of the wheat exported.
Perhaps this means I will not have to scrutinise every single label for wheat fillers in items like icing sugar etc.
You may just have to start worrying about caviar as the rivers drop! ! !
Aug 7, 2:23am
Why should the prices go up here, we grow or own wheat? ? The ground it the same, the water falls out the sky, it grows... ? ? Why should it increase coz someone else is having a problem? ?
Aug 7, 2:26am
Could be the beginning of Low Carb LOL :)
Aug 7, 2:27am
My mate will make millions. He is a grains trader
Aug 7, 2:29am
Ahem -naive much? We do not even grow enough to feed the Animals in this country ... .
Aug 7, 2:31am
Always good to know a millionaire - especially one that made his money on the backs of the poor people ... . congrats ferita!
Aug 7, 2:44am
So NZ is self sufficient in wheat? ? I don't think so.
Aug 7, 2:45am
LOL - enforced Low Carb!
Aug 7, 3:02am
Could be hard for the addicts LOLOL - hope we have enough Prozac stockpiled - Tamiflu won't cut the mustard on that one LOL :)
Aug 7, 11:25pm
We import wheat primarily because it costs less for the millers to get it from Australia than from the South Island and some now contract large Australian growers direct. Despite international conditions the wheat contracts that have been let to farmers here inthe last week or two barely cover production costs.
Aug 8, 12:08am
Perhaps that will change greerg - I cannot see the world demand for wheat dropping any time soon so maybe the farmers will get a fair price for it.
Jan 5, 6:56am
greerg - do we still have millers in NZ? I thought the last ones shut up shop years ago and moved to OZ?
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