Incredibley I have never cooked one of these! Would appreciate all ideas on how to cook it to perfection please (or at least not ruin it)
Aug 1, 4:13pm
cando intheslowcookerortheovenifitisrolledhasitgotseason3hrsinslowovencancoverwith tinfoil youmustletitrest outof theovenabout20 minaftercookedbeforeserving
Aug 1, 4:28pm
thanks for the harrislucinda ... yes I wondered about the length of cooking; usually cook my mutton roasts for about 5-6 hours so 3 hours for the hogget makes sense.
It's not seasonsed so should I roll it in flour/pepper/salt first do you think?
Aug 1, 5:00pm
I'd cook it like mutton fairly slow, if its stuffed with breadcrumbs herbs etc and rolled just sprinkle a little of your fav meat rub and S/P over it and pop it in a oven bag, OR my fav way with is lightly oil piece of meat all over, rub in S/P little crushed garlic brown it all over in a hot frying pan, place in your crockpot sprinkle a drizzle of balsamic vinegar, over it lid on and cook. Either way rest meat while you are doing gravy etc... ... . .
Dec 18, 6:01am
oh yum fifi~! cook thought about using the oven bag - thanks for the recipe
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