Miss 9, is gluten free, and she hates it. I bake her bread and rolls, but they fall apart. Her buscuits and muffins are fine, and I bake at least 2 times a week. I am so over it, and talk about expensive. I want to buy g. f bread and rolls but if she hates them or they fall apart, what a waste of money $5. 50 for 2 rolls just sux and no one else here will eat them. I just feel so overwhemed by it and like a useless Mum. Especially during the holidays where she wont eat sandwhiches or toast, and she just is sick of being g. f. as I am. Any ideas would be gratefully accepted.
Jul 12, 4:30am
Why don't you just give up on trying to make or find equivalents for floury products? I agree, that I never found anything suitable so I don't try any of that stuff anymore. Just concentrate on protein, fruits, veges, buts and seeds and dairy and stay away from products as much as possible. It did my head in trying to work out if there was gluten in products!
Jul 12, 4:34am
Hi, thanks for that I do try most of that, but she can get sick of it too, and she trys to avoid dairy of her own accord as it can give her a sore stomach. Also I'm not too sure about feeding her "buts', a good laugh thanks.
Jul 12, 5:12am
I see you are in Christchurch. Have you tried the Totally Gluten Free Bakery in Stanmore Road or Megawatt in Manchester St. They both have great products. Lievito bread is good and can be bought from Fresh Choice in Merivale or ordered on line. Their bread sticks are just like wheat ones. Think Lievito are away until 23rd July. Mercato in Fitzgerald Ave also stock Lievito I think. Liberty Market on cnr Fitzgerald and Moorhouse Ave has bread that is quite good and toasts really well. Toasted sandwiches hold together better - some children dont mind them cold. There is a website called the Glutenfreegoddess - her recipes are really good. Some of the rice wafer type biscuits are quite good and you can buy lovely crackers at Fresh Choice, Barrington and New World South City - cant remember the brand but they are Swedish I think and come in 2 flavours, plain and onion. They are expensive but really yummy. It will get better, trust me. HTH
Jul 12, 5:21am
Give up on replacing foods. Please- they taste horrible. Go with taste. Use herbs and GF spices. What does she miss most? Is she a sweet or savoury fan? Snacks in our house - vege chips, marshmallows, choc brownie (h-made- easy), crystalised ginger, fresh dates, smoked salmon pate on corn cruskits, mushroom pate/ chicken liver pate, cupcakes. We have burgers without the bread, pork ribs in sauce, roast dinners, soups - so many things! You just need to think about nutrition not replacement. My fave place is fresh choice parklands - as they have the biggest selection at the cheapest price. Merivale is also good. Anything I can help with? My husband and 3 year old are GF and tomato/potato/eggplant/avocado- /capsicum/citrus/ soybean oil/ preservative- with a few extras thrown in. We eat well - but it made me so cross that a lot of peopel would tell me food was okay and GF when it wasn't! I am compiling a recipe book for my own use - as I found a lot of GF recipes just taste disgusting! If there is anything specific, I will try and help.
Jul 12, 6:13am
Wow, thank you, you are all kind and helpful. I am going to the totally g. f bakery on thursday. What I find with bakeries is they say thier products are good then Miss doesn't like them. I guess it is conveiniant food, pastry, bread and quick easy meals to whip up, as well as cheap. We only have $180 a week for groceries for the 4 of us, and I could spend a quater of that on g. f, just for 1 child. She eats like a horse, more than most kids her age, fruit and vege don't fill her up and she will eat all fruit and vege, she is slim, just has a very fast metabolisim. All I seem to do is bake and cook everything we eat. I will be trying all the bakeries you have suggested and I appreciate your help. Have you tryed any of the products from L. P. Gluten free wholesalers from Rangiora? I saw them at Riccarton Market, but their prices seem but bit expensive.
Jul 12, 6:20am
using a muffin tin to make mini quiches, i also when i first started used to slightly overcook basmati rice so its real sticky, add my flavours and an egg and rice flour to help bind if needed then gently fry, so piut in what she might like eg grated carrot, courgette, bit of spring onion, choped ham maybe, i sued to put green curry paste in mine, and some i put coriander, and had with s weet sour dipping sauce but plain tomatoe sauce is good too, and you can make them cheaply, dont see why you couldnt try sweet ones
Jul 12, 6:21am
Can she have potato? Citrus? I found lunch for my 3 year old hardest - my eldest takes a stuffed jacket potato to school as she has a very fast metabolism - but isn't GF. That may be an option for you - we have a thermos type container for her and it works really well. I crock pot her a huge potato overnight and then stuff in the morning. Easy and very filling. Stews, casseroles, stuffed mushrooms, fried rice. I always do extra and freeze in containers so when I can't be bothered to cook that we use leftovers.
Jul 12, 6:24am
take a trip to teh asian food warehouse on Salisbury street - make sure you get the right rice for what you need - I now have basmati( most dishes), a medium grain (for paella) and a short (for rice pud). They do amazing vanilla pods(behind the counter) - and make your own vanilla and cinammon sugar. I have never found a vanilla extract that is GF here in NZ. they do bulk spices etc. I use lentils to bulk out soups. And make my own hummus sometimes -their dried chickpeas are so cheap.
Jul 12, 6:26am
It really doesn't have to be expensive. But you will find it is - if you keep using 'gluten free' products. I always buy the maize cornflour from there too - as it is very cheap and I have never had a problem with contamination. We make our own sushi a lot - San J make a great teriyaki sauce for chicken.
Jul 12, 6:29am
I will bump up a website that has Melford's recipes plus others which are very good.
Jul 12, 6:30am
Thanks, I wil try the potato, she may at first think it's a bit weird at first, but I will make some for lunch this week before school starts, to see what she thinks and her big sis. I do freeze alot of casseroles e. t. c, so that sometimes take the pressure off. I don't use my slow cooker much, I find everything ends up tasting the same, not sure what I'm doing wrong there, will get the hang of it in the end.
Jul 12, 6:36am
The slow cooker is going to be your best friend! Jacket potatoes, lamb or beef stew, whole roast chickens. Get into fresh herbs. What were her favourite meals before going GF? The potato - just gets wrapped in tin foil and cooked on low - switch on just before I go to bed and then stuff with whatever in the morning.
Jul 12, 6:38am
Rice crackers and rice waffers are good too and filling :)
Jul 12, 6:40am
IS she dairy free? Or can she have limited dairy? I found my daughter could manage A2 initially - but not A1.
Jul 12, 7:06am
Dairy free sort of, if that makes sence. She uses soy milk for breakfast and baking, can't drink straight milk, but can eat edam cheese. She is sick to death of rice crackers and rice cakes, so they are a big huge no, sorry. I could do 4 potatos at once for all our lunches, that would save alot of time. Gaspodetwd, do you make your own flour mix? I did this for a while but found guar gum and xanthym gum just to expensive as I would end up using about 200gms a week for baking. So now I just buy it at the supermarket.
Jul 12, 7:42am
I rarely use any bought GF mix. I just use maize cornflour and Gf baking powder. The cornflour from the Salisbury street place is 1kg for $3. We explerimented with different flours initially - but buckwheat is foul, two of my family can't have potato flour, chickpea flour leaves a disgusting aftertaste, rice flour is gritty and just nasty - unless combined with ground nuts - where you don't notice the gritty texture.
Jul 12, 7:49am
I use to use only cornflour at first, but it did not work for cakes, buscuits or muffins and scones. I can not stand chickpea flour either, never tryed buck wheat. Do you not use guar or xyanthm gums? I use Gluten free gluten now, but only when I make my own flourmix. Do you use almond meal as well? Where do you get it if you do? Thanks for your help.
Jul 12, 7:50am
If you get old cook books - from 1930's - a lot of them use cornflour or nuts. Many of the modern cookbooks recommend a mix of flours - which taste horrible! So why bother? Many modern cookbooks state to use vanilla essence - but most contain gluten! I find that Gf is just not as filling. Well actually hubby tells me. So I reduce portion slightly and make sure I add extra snacks. I also have to watch that they don't drink calories - juices - nutritionist told me that they most from foods. So juice is a rare treat.
Jul 12, 7:52am
Almond meal - and hazelnut flour. The only decent bsicuits that i have ever made are nut meal based. I have NEVER had a proper GF biscuit made from GF flour - you get the wrong texture or a foul aftertaste - and believe I have been trying for 3 years! ! ! ! Go for nuts! - cakes are fine with cornflour and GF baking powder. You MUST reduce the oven temperature and cook for longer though.
Jul 12, 7:55am
I get almond meal from bin inn. It is the only thing I get from there as I find it can be cross contaminated. I like to buy it when it on offer/ just been refilled. Less risk and much cheaper. . I never use gums - unless I have to make a very specific thing. I tend to re-use recipes that don't use gums. I don't believe food should be glued togther - unless it is with eggs or some other natural and old tried and tested ingredient.
Jul 12, 7:55am
Undercut - the Totally Gluten Free Bakery is in Worcester St, Stanmore Road end not Stanmore Road itself. Dont want to have you spending an hour looking for the shop, lol.
Jul 12, 8:01am
I also like things to taste right - this is a life long diet. There is no room to put a child off food and make them desperately long for food that makes them ill. So food is real food. I even have a deep fat fryer - so that occasionally I make battered fish and chips - as I have never found a chch place that does a seperate fryer for celiacs. too much room for error. You can buy bulk oil from the asian food warehouse. It pays for itself very quickly and my 3 year old and husband really appreciate the odd fish and chip night!
Jul 12, 8:04am
At age 9, I would imagine your daughter will want pizza (easily managed) and fish and chips - in order to feel 'normal'. Do you want the chocolate brownie recipe?
Jul 12, 8:12am
What about soups, chicken drumsticks, polenta chips fried & served with tom sauce, pakoras/bahjees made using chickpea flour, sausages, pasta/ rice/ quinoa salads, used flavoured mash potato & veg to make patties, meatballs, omelets wraps, boiled eggs, jelly & fruit,
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