Sorry, word stuff ups, bought should be brought, die should be died. Round the Bays, is a big race that is held every year within Auckland. My dad competed in it up until the year before he died.,
Oct 14, 6:30pm
:o) sounds like he was an awesome chap scholar
Oct 15, 1:05am
Bumping to the top again. Please share your meals eating fat/coconut oil each day to lose weight. Thanks.
Oct 15, 7:03pm
Anyone... ... . .
Oct 15, 7:13pm
Well I will chime in again to say that the flavour of coconut oil goes very well with fish, and it is a good oil to use to fry your fish in. Like the chicken strips I mentioned earlier, I coat the fish in coconut flour before I fry it. I also like a teaspoon of coco oil in my coffee, along with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a splash of cream. Cinnamon is supposed to be good for weight loss, and I like the taste. And there is always delicious chocolate bark, just mix softened coc oil with good quality cocoa powder and some stevia, let it set in the fridge and then break it into pieces. Low carb heaven.,
Oct 15, 7:19pm
At $20 a jar, I only use it in hot drinks.
Combined with cutting out fructose completely. (excluding whole fruit, never the juice alone thou)
Eating less carbohydrates sitting around 60g a day
to early to tell if its of any benefit yet thou.
Oct 15, 8:11pm
Scholar54, Just wanted to ask you, your caffeine free coffee, what is the name of it please, I am drinking decaf Moccona that still has0. 0-3% caffeine, I can not have dandelion coffee, as it has sugar milk in it, that I am unable to have. Tar,
Oct 15, 8:17pm
I have read that decaf is not safe to drink. . in the sense that when they decaf it its exposed to a lot of chemicals and remove over 400 natural chemicals, its a shell of its former self for the want of reduced caffeine. . which is 100% impossible to eliminate from coffee, so if the packet says other wise its lying... . many of the sites I read recommend that if you cant drink normal coffee then go without because its safer to drink standard than decaf. (I drink standard personally but I read all the info to satisfy my geeky brain lol)
Oct 15, 8:57pm
maxwell, Yes have just googled it maxwell, I am wanting to be healthy, but have nearly drank a whole jar of Moccona since sunday, I am reactive Hypoglycemia, and are not aloud caffeine, so am going to have to give that up too. I was drinking up to 15 cups a day, and had to cut down very fast, so I cut down till i got to one aday, then none, and did a switch to Moccona, not good. I am not good with herbel teas either, so I guess it will have to be water.,
Oct 15, 9:07pm
If you have reactive Hypoglycemia then caffeine is the last of your problems. . you should be on a very low carb diet, carbs are what cause the main issue with reactive Hypoglycemia.
Oct 15, 9:12pm
earthangel. Try to drink green tea, it takes a while to get used to it, but its really good for you. I keep topping mine up with hot water so it is not so strong and still trying to adjust to it after cutting out my coffee. I was told by my natropath to cut out coffee as it takes calcium out of your bones and I have osteoporosis.,
Oct 15, 9:25pm
even better. . try WHITE tea, that trumps green tea by a whopping margin ;o)
Oct 15, 9:34pm
Thankyou Jubre, for caring, also Maxwell, wow you are right on, yep I am on a low carb diet and loving it, best I have felt in ages, i use cream only, have also been told tea has caffeine in it, is this right. ? I could have weak tea, as I dont mind it. Thanks for all that you do. , am so very very grateful
Oct 15, 9:35pm
for got to add I also have celiac disease, so am gluten free , low carb suits me, best
Oct 16, 8:11pm
ummmmmm think I might go without as I cannot drink tea either, tried it this morning, reactive Hypoglycemia returned.,
Oct 16, 8:13pm
bummer earth... what about that chikoree (sp) essence stuff. . thats meant to have a coffee taste.
Oct 16, 8:15pm
Maxwell, what is white tea? I know black tea and green tea but I don't know about white tea. How is it different and where do you buy it? Thanks!
Oct 16, 8:47pm
ah have not heard of that maxwell, can you get it from the supermarket, I so want my hot drinks so I can still have my yummy co.,
Oct 16, 9:00pm
yeah u can earth. . its normally in the same area as the teas and coffee. . chicory is the correct spelling.
Cloudberry - re white tea. Have a look at Dr Tea's video here: http://www.teatips. tv/episodes/ You can get some white teabags at the supermarket - I've got Twinings right now, but the Dilmah stuff is hugely expensive. It's got a pleasant mild taste.
Jan 11, 3:49am
An inleetiglnt answer - no BS - which makes a pleasant change
Jan 13, 7:55am
I love all breads Indian style roti, cpaahti, naan! I used to make my own all the time but honestly now they are carried at my grocery store not expensive at all so it's just as easy to buy.
Jan 14, 4:02am
before, but never would have thought to lltrealiy make spaghetti out of it. This fun experiment Too Many Jars in the Kitchen tried looks like it turned out great! Conventional spaghetti pasta is not the greatest thing for
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