I have finally brought a deep fryer. *ducks I know, I know*. I would like to know what is the best oil to use. Not necessarily the cheapest but the best heating, non smellest, healthiest, keeps the longest
Jun 17, 1:43am
We use Canola.
Jun 17, 2:56am
Yup Canola...
Jun 17, 2:58am
I use grapeseed
Jun 17, 3:00am
Rice bran as it has a higher flash point than other oils.
Jun 17, 3:07am
bcnd. . Try deep frying spuds and Kumura. . Kumura cook a lot quicker than spuds so put them half way through spuds being done. . Crispy outer and nice centre...
Jun 17, 4:02am
Thanks guys for all your tips. Will go and get some canola oil & kumura now
Jun 17, 4:21am
Rice bran
Jun 17, 5:23am
+1 Ricebran, or lard for flavour!
Jun 17, 6:29am
Canola is shit! Dont use it. Your better off using sunflower. If you google Canola oil you may well find some disturbing facts about it! It is actually rapeseed oil and it has been marketed as Canola because it comes from Canada. Its nasty stuff and stays in your system for many years causing all sorts of problems. Until I read this, I used to use it all the time.
Jun 17, 7:08am
Rice bran here as well, its good.
Jun 17, 8:17am
Sunflower. Has been used for 100's of years without problems. Steer clear of canola - as poppy62 says - adn I prefer not to use rice bran as it is a new type - and has yet to be fully proven as safe.
Jun 17, 8:26am
Thanks for backing me up - unfortunately they put this blasted stuff in everything from mayonaise to margarine (thank god I dont use margarine).
Jun 17, 8:45am
Rice Bran here too!
Jun 17, 8:49am
rice bran! !
Jun 17, 9:11am
Ahh haa, lucky the kids held me up and I didn't get to the supermarket. Rice bran sounds like the general concensis. Thanks
Jun 17, 9:21am
I use rice bran but my Mum swore by Cheffade, which is vegetable fat that sets white and solid.
Jun 18, 5:40am
YAY I'm not the only one who has discovered the bad bits about canola oil - thanks Poppy62. I normally have a stomach of steel and almost nothing made me sick until canola oil came along... Everytime I had something cooked in canola I got terribly sick exactly 5 hours after consumption. So I googled it and was absolutely shocked at what I found - I would not recommend it for anyone.
Jun 18, 6:16am
You obviously read the same thing I did! Bloody awful what they are marketing these days - helping us all to an early grave!
Jun 18, 8:33am
i heard somewhere, don't know if its true or not, that margarine is a couple of molecules off being plastic
Jun 18, 9:04am
What is wrong with lard or dripping I wonder?
Jun 18, 9:10am
I have never used canola oil and only ever use sunflower oil- which at times, is hard to find. I use it in my pumpkin loaves, lemon yoghurt cake and anywhere that requires oil.
Jun 18, 9:35am
Nothing wrong with lard or dripping - at least its natural - no chemicals in it! And you are right cook - sunflower oil is very hard to find at times - Pak n save never have the big bottles of it so I have to buy it from Countdown and I hate shopping there!
Jun 18, 6:57pm
Been a few years since I did my studies but dont all vege Oils suffer from turning to Transfats at high temps? canola/soya being at the top of that list, Anyone? I seem to remember Lard/ricebran having higher heating points.
Jun 18, 8:24pm
What brand of Rice brand Oil do you use. Our problem is we have a 3 litre deep fryer so if we used rice bran it would cost $15-$20 to fill
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