Treats I can buy that are gluten free

marley, May 24, 2:00am
Im probably being lazy - but I have a friend in hospital and she is gluten intolerant - Im gonna visit her tomorrow and Im wondering if anyone knows of some sort of treat I can buy her from a shop or supermarket etc... . I live in Hastings... . Thanks

twinsforus, May 24, 2:03am
Marshmellows... pretty sure they are gluten free. Your local supermarket should have a gluten free section, might find some goodies there.

sumstyle, May 24, 2:21am

madzwhippet, May 24, 2:43am
Sorry ... . not all chocolate... . . check the wrappers of cream filled types , and other sweeties . some are fine others not ... . . How about grapes or mandarins... . . and other delicious fresh fruits... .

hezwez, May 24, 2:49am
Our local Pak N Save has a range of gluten free cookies. There is a sealed 300gm pottle of ginger cookies for around $7, and other choc ones. Edited to add the brand is eatright, and they're made in Nelson.

herika, May 24, 2:55am
If she is not lactose or milk product intolerant chocolate would be good, other wise I agree with the fruit, a card and or a bunch of flowers to be on the safe side :)

marley, May 24, 7:19am
Thanks everyone! ! !

nzhel, Jun 5, 5:50am
I know this is not answering your question - but for those that are interested there is some lovely gluten free recipes in this months Aust Women's Weekly!