I would like to make some easter treats for local children any ideas would be appreciated.
Apr 14, 1:58am
We have done this in the past (not edible but still a treat): Take a chicken egg and put a small hole in each end.Blow through one of the holes and expell all the yolk and white.Run water through the eggs and then leave them for a few days in the hot water cupboard to dry. Melt some candle wax (we use a small incense burner with a tea light candle underneath) and then use a toothpick to 'draw' patterns or pictures on to the egg.Once the wax is solid again dip the egg in dye (food colouring in water works) and leave to soak for about 10 mins.Take egg out and dry in hot water cupboard again.Repeat the steps with hot wax and then dip the egg shell into a different colour - repeat 3-6 times and then once the egg is dry gently scrape off the wax and you find a beautiful range of colours and patterns on the egg. Make a change from chocolate or sugary foods - and the kids can keep for ages.We sometimes make small nets out of twigs and bits and pieces and put the decorated eggs in
Apr 14, 2:00am
auntlb, another good idea to add to the nest one is to put a large twiggy, leafless branch in a vase and hang the eggs from it like Christmas tree ornaments.
Apr 14, 3:32am
Cute- must try that :-) thanks
Apr 14, 6:39am
I took a recipe from here ages ago for animal biscuits and haven't used it.Lats weekend I found an Easter Bunny cutter so I plan to make pastel iced bunny biscuits to add to the Easter baskets and maybe some gingerbread ones.
Apr 14, 6:56am
Alison Holst's EASTER MUFFINS, a tried and true easy alternative to hot cross buns
Heat oven 210*C, tray just below middle Measure in bowl 1 cup dried fruit (sultanas, currants, mixed fruit) Add: 2 cups self-raising flour 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 Tablespoon cinnamon 1 Tablespoon mixed spice 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 1/2 teaspoon salt Toss to mix thoroughly
Put in container: 1/4 cup canola 1 large egg 1 cup orange juice Beat with fork
Fold wet into dry ingredients until just mixed (don't over-mix) Bake 12 - 15 minutes Stand 2 to 3 minutes Put on rack & place in plastic bag as soon as cold Warm briefly to serve (optional)
NOTE: For richer muffins replace oil & salt & juice with 50-75 gms melted butter & 1 cup milk
Serve with BRANDY BUTTER Beat 50 gms soft butter 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 -2 Tablespoons brandy Refrigerate, but serve at room temperature
When I was young we had a talented artist in the family. He used to paint 'easter egg wrapper' patterns onto hard boiled eggs, they would then be hidden for the easter hunt and when all were found my brother and I would roll them towards each other from opposite ends of the backyard until they collided and cracked. We would then peel and eat the hardboiled egg. lol Was quite fun I remember.
Apr 20, 11:17am
I have made the edmonds shrewsbury bic recipe with easter chicken cookie cutters, took them to the preschool last week. Was great as that recipe has no artificial colourings etc, (very pc) I just dusted the bics with sieved icing sugar, and put a blue caschous lolly for the eye. I have also done the mini carrot cakes in muffin pans, iced and placed a carrot lolly on each one.
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