would be really interested in seeing what everyone is up to for the easter season - always on the look out for new recipes - blessings all and happy to post what i have on the menu... .
Mar 2, 9:48am
Im not sure at this stage, perhaps with the weather getting cooler, I might get started on my homemade vege soup.
Get cracking on the baking for Easter weekend, we are going away, so maybe cookies and muffins? ? ?
Not 100% sure, will be watching with interest. I need motivation/inspiration.
Mar 2, 10:17am
am so gonna be doing home made hot cross buns, easter egg muffins (the one with the cream chesse icing and the mini easter eggs on top! ), easter bickies and siminal (sp) cake, home made chocolate and marshmellow eggs, turkey (nigela's way) and baked glazed ham - if the weather is warmer then a leg of rosemary hogget instead of the other other meat, and roasted veg with something wicked for pud... .
Mar 2, 10:59am
timetable can I please come to your place for Easter yummmmmm
Mar 2, 11:10am
no hass the more the merrier! !
Mar 2, 5:17pm
ah yes me to timetable, sounds so yummy, lol
Mar 2, 5:34pm
Recipe please for Easter Egg muffins - sounds yum and fun for kids and big kids alike! Adds name to Timetable's quest list for Easter! ! !
Mar 2, 6:12pm
My daughter has been making bread very successfully (without a breadmaker) so we are going to make our own hot cross buns this year.
Mar 5, 7:27am
guys is there a way that i can contact you off tm to send you an easter recipe book - one that is being put together - that has a number of recipes from all over the place... . really sad about this but just don't feel to post them on here at present with this jolly lady doing what she is doing - has really soured me for now... .
Mar 5, 8:41am
Try a 50 cent (or more) auction
Mar 5, 8:31pm
hey thanks for the idea ww but i really don't want to sell it just give it away... . . blessings
Mar 6, 4:23am
I understand how you feel... . I think we can contact members via trademecooks? Just a suggestion. .
Oct 6, 4:00pm
hey thanks for that lisa - ok now for my "how do i do that... " moment... sorry the brain is still engage this morning! ! ! blessings for the day all... .
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