I have (want) to bake something for a shared afternoon tea with an Easter theme... any ideas please? ? ?
Mar 26, 9:11am
maizoon, how about Easter Cupcakes? I haven't made them but I received the recipe in an e-mail a few days ago. They look to be easy to make and they definitely have an Easter theme. Here's the link to the recipe:-
http://www.chelsea.co.nz/ViewRecipe. aspx? id=822
Mar 26, 9:11am
Cupcakes are very 'in'. Check out the Wilton website for decorating ideas... chicks, bunnies etc.
Mar 26, 9:17am
maizoon, as tiogapass has suggested do have a look at the Wilton website where you'll find lots of very useful info' as well as very lovely and novel ideas for decorating cupcakes- here's the link you'll need:-
Mar 26, 9:37am
I just made abox full of cupcakes iced them liked the chelsea site ones a nest and stuck little caramel eggs in them for my grandees whom i saw last weekend, everyone raved over them, and kids loved them they went down a treat lol, and they were easy to do... .
Mar 26, 9:48am
Alison Holst's EASTER MUFFINS, a tried and true easy alternative to hot cross buns ;)
Heat oven 210*C, tray just below middle Measure in bowl 1 cup dried fruit (sultanas, currants, mixed fruit) Add: 2 cups self-raising flour 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 Tablespoon cinnamon 1 Tablespoon mixed spice 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 1/2 teaspoon salt Toss to mix thoroughly
Put in container: 1/4 cup canola 1 large egg 1 cup orange juice Beat with fork
Fold wet into dry ingredients until just mixed (don't over-mix) Bake 12 - 15 minutes Stand 2 to 3 minutes Put on rack & place in plastic bag as soon as cold Warm briefly to serve (optional)
Note:For richer muffins replace oil and salt with 50-75 gms melted butter and 1 cup milk
Serve with BRANDY BUTTER Beat 50 gms soft butter 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 -2 Tablespoons brandy Refrigerate, but serve at room temperature
Mar 26, 4:33pm
Simnel Cake is a very traditional Easter cake. Simnel cake is a light fruit cake, similar to a Christmas cake, covered in marzipan, and eaten during Lent or at Easter in Great Britain, Ireland and some other countries. A layer of marzipan or almond paste is also baked into the middle of the cake. On the top of the cake, around the edge, are eleven marzipan balls to represent the true disciples of Jesus; Judas is omitted. In some variations Christ is also represented, by a ball placed at the centre.
The cake is made from these ingredients: white flour, sugar, butter, eggs, fragrant spices, dried fruits, zest and candied peel.
Simnel cakes have been known since mediaeval times, and were originally a Mothering Sunday tradition, when young girls in service would make one to be taken home to their mothers on their day off. The word simnel probably derived from the Latin word simila, meaning fine, wheaten flour with which the cakes were made. Another variation states Simnel is believed to have come from a brother (Simon) and sister (Nell) who wanted to make a cake for their mother. One wanted to bake the cake, the other to broil it. They decided to do both and bring them together in one. Edited to include Wikipedia info above.
Mar 28, 3:27am
Thanks folks, I might even try more than one:-)
Apr 3, 4:33am
I have made the Alison Holst Easter Muffins twice now... thanks for the recipe. If using elliehen's recipe, (above) with milk & butter instead of oil, make sure you omit the juice as well. i. e. For richer muffins replace oil and salt and juice with 50-75 gms melted butter and 1 cup milk
Dec 28, 12:10pm
maizoon, thanks for that tweak. I copied it from my handwritten recipe shorthand and didn't fill in that gap ;)
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