because the chocolate is just so yummy, I have started a face book page to try convince the brothers that there is demand for them to make easter eggs, come to face book, ifyou dont have an account now is a great time to start one up ! here is the link..(.with a poll to vote on your fave whittakers chocolate) support this fun and just cause!!!/home.php?sk=group_197048920338131
May 4, 1:16am
Great idea - I was thinking the exact same thing this year!
May 4, 1:25am
come join the page!! we have 63 members now, and growing , pretty good seeing page only set up at midnight last night ...tell all your friends !!
May 4, 2:06am
I have asked them a number of times on their own FB page, along with many others and they say they are in the pipeline.
May 4, 2:09am
Cant see where to join or even like your page.
May 4, 3:39am
Is there a way to do this other than facebook? I am a conscious avoider of it.
May 4, 4:19am
I made marshmallow eggs this year for the first time and coated them in Whittakers Madagasca, very very nice;)
May 4, 4:55am
Yes, I also made a suggestion prior to Easter, and sounds like maybe next easter we may all be in more yukky imported easter eggs for this family
May 4, 6:35am
When I clicked on the link,my own page came up ???
May 4, 10:30pm
because the chocolate is just so yummy, I have started a face book page to try convince the brothers that there is demand for them to make easter eggs, come to face book, ifyou dont have an account now is a great time to start one up ! here is the link.(.with a poll to vote on your fave whittakers chocolate) support this fun and just cause!!/home.php!sk=group_197048920338131
May 5, 1:25am
come join the page! we have 63 members now, and growing , pretty good seeing page only set up at midnight last night .tell all your friends !
May 5, 4:55am
Yes, I also made a suggestion prior to Easter, and sounds like maybe next easter we may all be in more yukky imported easter eggs for this family
May 5, 6:35am
When I clicked on the link,my own page came up !
May 12, 9:59pm
Do we really need two of these threads?
May 13, 2:45am
does it really matter, is it hurting anyone?
May 13, 3:03am
I asked and got a reply that their factory did not have the capabilities for making easter eggs yet.So long as they do soon.........I managed to find dark easter eggs made by Lintz chocolates,they were divine!!!!
May 13, 3:12am
well, why not just add to the one you did a few days ago
May 13, 3:51am
again, does it really matter? how does having one extra thread on here cause any problems?I cant see any probelms with it, I certainly dont compllain where there are multipule threads on the same topic, alot started by the same people, if you dont like it, dont read it , simple.
May 13, 3:53am
I was thinking that would be the reason they dont make eggs, such a shame cause their chocolate is so nice, my children just love it ! although I will keep my eyes open next year for the Lintz ones, lovin the dark chocolate !
May 13, 9:59pm
Do we really need two of these threads!
May 14, 2:45am
does it really matter, is it hurting anyone!
May 14, 3:03am
I asked and got a reply that their factory did not have the capabilities for making easter eggs yet.So long as they do soon.I managed to find dark easter eggs made by Lintz chocolates,they were divine!
Sep 12, 10:09pm
again, does it really matter! how does having one extra thread on here cause any problems!I cant see any probelms with it, I certainly dont compllain where there are multipule threads on the same topic, alot started by the same people, if you dont like it, dont read it , simple.
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