Quince paste in jars

robbief, May 21, 10:03pm
need recipe for quince paste that goes in jars not dried out in oven can any one help please

margyr, May 21, 11:28pm
hi there, these are from another thread;Wash quinces and remove stalks. Slice and put in to pan and cover with water. Simmer gently for 40 - 50 mins until very soft. Push through sieve to separate pulp from pips.
For every 450 g pulp add 350 g sugar. Stir over medium heat until sugar disolved. Simmer for 10 mins or until setting point is reached. Watch carefully and stir to prevent burning. Pour in to sterile jars
Quote noelinevc (102 )7:27 pm, Mon 29 Mar #3

Quote griffo4 (198 )1:50 pm, Tue 30 Mar #5
I made the Crockpot Quince Paste version this year. No hard work stirring for ages as the mixture thickens, and no burning. The result is a delicious, and garnet red paste. I used the recipe on restisnotidleness blogspot. Google the blogname, and put Quince Paste after the name. The only thing in the recipe I changed, was I did put about half a cup of water in the Crockpot when cooking the whole quinces.
Quote lurtz (183 )2:56 pm, Tue 30 Mar #6

margyr, May 21, 11:29pm
and there are quite a few more quince recipes, if you use the search box on the left, in keyword type in quince and then in the date posted box click on the little arrow and then anytime, and the click search. good luck.

robbief, May 26, 9:51am
hi margy thanks for that regards