Recycling duck fat?

gresteven, May 19, 1:17am
I have rendered the fat from the duck I am cooking and am roasting potatoes in it. Its looks beautiful and I was wondering if I have to throw it away afterwards or can I keep it in the fridege for the next lot of roasties?

uli, May 19, 1:36am
Keep what you don't eat :)
Never throw lovely duck fat away!

beaker59, May 19, 2:06am
Fry up your potatoes in it absolutely marvelous, never throw it away.

lizab, May 19, 2:35am
I always keep the fat from lamb roasts - other roasts (pork/beef/chicken etc) don't harden up in the fridge and I find them to be yukky! I use lamb fat for savoury pastry and also roast veggies. I have only cooked wild ducks, so don't get any fat whatsoever from them :( so definitely save your duck fat! ! :) I'm sure it will keep for ages in the fridge.

gresteven, May 19, 6:41pm
Saved and in fridge thanks.