I have thought about getting one for a long time but usually chicken out worrying about fingers and cutting etc. last night Jamie Oliver was using one and of course it looked very simple to use. wanting people's experience of them for home use. obviously one with a guard is the best . any recommendations please. for brand and easy of use and clean up.
Nov 20, 6:07pm
I have a cheap one, I put it in the dishwasher to clean. There is a "holder" gadget for slicing, I didn't use that once and sliced my finger. And oh yes it's sharp! Took a chunk of myself. But I love it, heaps faster than slicing by hand and you can slice so thin too. easier if you haven't got chef knife skills.
Nov 20, 7:13pm
a good food processor is far superior, get the right blade attachments.
No worries then about fingers etc especially as you get older.
Nov 20, 9:03pm
Thanks, I don't have a food processor apart from a small grinder.
Nov 20, 9:40pm
Lethal things. I had one and always managed to cut myself on it.
Nov 20, 10:47pm
I have a v slicer and used it last night for a stir fry. Shredded cabbage and onion very finely used julienne blade for carrots and so on. Much easier to clean than my processor. Very safe using the guard. Edit to add I got my Borner v slicer from Amazon a few years back very much cheaper than here
Nov 20, 11:26pm
Same here . I biffed a couple of mine when I moved house . Way prefer a sharp knife.
Nov 21, 6:47am
I have a Borner V-slicer too, had it for many years, way cheaper than most mandolins. Love it, makes slicing etc so easy and easier clean up than my processor. The key is to ALWAYS use the guard.
Nov 21, 7:17am
+ 1 love mine had it for years always use guide fantastic wash up a breeze
Nov 21, 7:17am
And you can do thick or thin
Nov 21, 9:31am
And wavy / crinkly
Nov 21, 9:05pm
I bought my mandolin about 30 years ago at the Easter Show. Yes, have cut myself a few times, but only because I was not watching. So much quicker to cut things.
Nov 27, 8:30pm
Have had a Borner V slicer for YEARS! Prob use it 5 times every week- especially now with summer coming on. One of my best gadgets.
Nov 28, 7:24am
I took the end off my thumb the first time that I used it. (but I am super-clumsy)
Nov 30, 1:00am
Me too. I swear my fingers were shorter by the time I finally threw it out, lol.
Nov 30, 1:04am
I use mine a lot for fine matchstick carrot, it just rinses under the tap and gets put back in the cupboard, I keep it handy.I love carrots anyway I can get them.
Nov 29, 6:55am
Why don't people use the piece that you protect your fingers with ? I wouldn't dream of using without that part, but will if i only intend to cut half an item
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