i have a bag of lemons and would like some lemon drink recipes, have made yummmy lemon curd, so nice
May 11, 7:22pm
janic1, here's a couple of links to earlier threads where you'll find some recipes:-
http://www.trademe.co.nz/Community/MessageBoard/Messages. asp x? id=157580
http://www.trademe.co.nz/Community/MessageBoard/Messages. asp x? id=99674
and on the following link you'll find some info' that may be useful for you:-
http://www.trademe.co.nz/Community/MessageBoard/Messages. asp x? id=32389
For more recipes, info' and uses for lemons try doing as I did to find the above linksi. e. do a search here on this Trademe MB using e. g. 'lemon' as the Keyword and 'Anytime' as the Date posted. :-))
May 12, 12:04am
juice of 8 lemons, 8 cups of water, 2 cups sugar, 1Tbsp citric acid, 1 Tbsp Epsom salts, simmer until sugar desolves, can add grated zest of 2 lemons too :)
May 12, 12:06am
Thats a cordial btw so only need a cm or so in the bottom of your glass and top up with water.
have just madeyour lemon drink recipe. really good cheers
May 13, 10:12pm
Epsom Salts is basically magnesium and maybe it was included in the recipe because it enhanced some property of the lemon or had some beneficial effect on taste, storage times or just plain health. So just because we cannot understand why it has been included, doesn't mean it shouldn't be there.
May 13, 10:16pm
Sorry harrislucinda. I have had some of my recipes savaged by people who say "I'd leave out this ingredient or that ingredient and use such and such instead". It is most frustrating because the recipes I post always work and leaving bits out changes it to something that doesn't work.
I have also been told off for criticising other people's recipes, and IMO you criticised antoniab's recipe in order to promote your own version of the same recipe.
May 14, 5:49pm
Yup your dead right, its for the storage time :) (at least I think so, just my Mums always put it in and Im not about to change her recipe)
May 2, 2:48pm
Your welcome :)
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