Has anyone got a recipe for lemon cheese that you store on the shelf like jam and it lasts sealed for ages?have tried google but all I get is stuff for sale and I want to make it.Thanks
Jul 20, 7:17am
Are you sure its lemon cheese??? I have heard of lemon curd, that can be similar to a spread
Jul 20, 7:57am
Thanks winnie but that one needs keeping in fridge. the one I want is kept on shelf like jam.It could be called lemon curd, lemon cheese or lemon honey. I used to make it years ago but lost recipe.
Jul 21, 5:12am
Exactly. Also without the butter. Commercial lemon curd/cheese/honey (they are all the same product btw) use various thickeners, sugar, colour and preservative to make a potable shelf stored lemon spread. I've never tried it but if it is anything like the Rocket Kitchen lemon tart, it probably will taste like it hasn't got any lemon in it at all.
#1. I too have searched for one that doesn't require refrigeration but haven't had any luck yet. I looked for 6months and searched every book in the Library as well. I know there will be one out there and hopefully someone will post one just to show me up. Good luck.
Jul 21, 8:36am
Whats wrong with the fridge one? I use it all the time. It keeps for 6 wks +. When I have lemons in season I juice the lemon & freeze the fresh lemon juice so I always have some on hand to make the Lemon Curd when I need some more. Yummy. Just made another batch last weekend.
Jul 21, 8:53am
Agreed.Doesn't seem to make sense to look for a long-life one when lemons are available almost all year round.
Jul 21, 11:56am
Saw a tip on a Countdown - Richard Till - advert - add the zest to the juice when you freeze it - adds extra taste and goodness.
Jul 21, 9:08pm
I just use the microwave no-butter recipe that takes only 5 minutes. Granted it only makes a small jar unless you double the recipe, but it's so quick and easy that I just make as needed.
Jul 21, 9:13pm
Me too - I just love recipe.
Jul 22, 12:13am
badger - there is nothing wrong with the refrigerator stored lemon curd but the poster asked for one that didn't require that and I answered as per the request. Maybe I shouldn't have taken her literally. It is so confusing when people ask one thing but mean another don't you think? Maybe I should wait for you or elli to translate any request so that I can answer the intention and not the question.
On the other hand I make at least 3 dozen + jars of lemon curd/spread/cheese/honey every year and store them in my fridge for up to a year. I have never had a problem but then I have two huge fridges + deepfreezers. Not everyone has that capability.
Nov 29, 9:45am
I'm storing mine without problems in the cupboard until I open one, then I pop it in the fridge.
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