Did buy one for $6 at the market this morning which was my upper limit. It was big and in good condition.
Mar 4, 5:54am
Are you just testing. before you head else where? If not, I agree. I've got a cauli going to waste in my garden . it's not really cauliflower weather, huh?
Mar 4, 6:13am
Gotcha. I bought useless books.
Mar 4, 9:21pm
What I am curious is, if they are so expensive how come the frozen veg I buy - cauli/brocolli hasn't altered in price?
Mar 4, 10:01pm
They would be last season. Maybe the price will be up a bit next year, or there just won't be any available.
Mar 4, 10:11pm
Climate change?
Mar 5, 12:12am
This morning DomPost states that Foodstuffs was having"some product issues" as a result of cyclone Gita namely with broccoli, cauli and fresh cut lettuce and salads
Mar 5, 5:26am
Probably because it is imported from China. Broccoli cannot be machine cut and must be cut into smaller florets by hand, so if your stirfy mix has broccoli in it chances are it is from China.
Mar 5, 5:33am
According to my google search "Talley’s is the only company in our survey that uses 100 percent New Zealand produce." However whether that includes Broccoli, I'm not sure.
Mar 5, 8:40am
why, corn is cheap at the moment . carrots, brocolli isnt too bad, why buy produce at thst price when their are lots of other cheaper seasonal veges. in the supermarket. don't people know how to shop. If your desperate go frozen.
Mar 5, 10:11pm
I have never seen Talley's mixed vegetables with broccoli.
They specialize in single frozen vegies and some mixes like Peas Carrots and Corn, Baby Peas and Sweet Corn, Peas, Carrots and Beans.
While they have a stir fry mix it doesn't seem to include broccoli, although they state it "may". One of the pictures shows cauli (which can be mechanically cut) but no broccoli and the other pics show a mix of corn, courgettes, carrots and beans and a few peppers and celery.
Mar 5, 10:21pm
I don't know if it includes broccoli or not . never buy it. I don't particulary like frozen vegetables, but I thought it was interesting that Talleys is the only one to claim all NZ grown.
Mar 5, 11:42pm
Hydroponic lettuces too?
Mar 6, 12:12am
Not sure
Mar 6, 12:25am
Check where everything is made and the origin of country. when ya buy stuff.
You will be surprised, how many familiar items, are made or produced somewhere else. not in NZ or Australia anymore.
Mar 6, 7:57pm
Just saw broccoli for $4.49 for a small head. Countdown have it frozen on special for $1.50 for 450g. May just go back and stock up.
Mar 7, 1:54am
Let us know which country it came from or if they state the obvious: "made from local and imported.
Mar 7, 5:56pm
Countdown Select brand. I won't stock up. But how can they sell it so cheap? Packed in France from local and Portuguese broccoli
Mar 7, 8:12pm
$7.99 for a whole cauli yesterday at PnS. They weren't big either. Brocolli was $2.49 a head and they were tiny.
I've been buying frozen and it's a pain really. The bag of mixed cauli and brocolli is 90% cauli. Barely any brocolli in the mix at all.
And to buy separate bags would be no different to paying the fresh price.
Mar 7, 10:13pm
The cauli I don't much care about, the brocolli I do. How do you cook cauli without stinking the house out?
Mar 7, 10:52pm
How long are you cooking the cauli for? Mine never smells bad. Maybe you are overcooking it.
Mar 8, 12:59am
I don't think so. It's start stinking as soon as the water starts boiling. Pretty sure it even stinks if I cook it in the microwave for a few minutes.
Mar 10, 5:43am
Yes it will stink if it is non-organic and over fertilized. Grow your own or buy organic.
Mar 11, 12:33am
I don't understand why people have to buy veges that are out of season and so expensive. By Summer I am craving Summer veges, by Winter I would love some Winter ones. For example, I have two pumpkins on a vine I never planted (just came up out of the compost). I would never buy them this time of year as they are a stupid price, I normally wait till they are $2 each! These 2 are a bonus and headed for the soup pot. And frozen ones especially on sale are perfectly fine. I stock up on the stir fry, NZ produced (grown and processed) and always have some in the freezer.
Mar 11, 12:34am
It shouldn't smell. I always cook my veges in a steamer on top of my potato pot. They don't need long and are nice and tender.
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