Does anyone know if you can buy the plastic sunkist orange peelers that used to be given away free with oranges? Thanks
Oct 20, 1:49am
There are a number of peelers on here, not sure what the Sunkist one looked like. Best search for citrus peeler, as orange peeler came up with all sorts of randoms :)
Oct 20, 1:53am
$2 shops would be good places to look or buy direct from the chinese trading site. I have ordered a couple plus an onion holder for when cutting stuff. cheap as chips. free shipping. have hunted through all the shops for these items. stupid that you cant find these items
Oct 21, 1:07am
Onion holder ? Don't think I've seen one of them, sounds interesting tho.
Oct 21, 11:06pm
If you do them carefully by hand you can turn the peel into a cat helmet.
Still have my yellow "Sunkist" one that must be 30+years old. A dessert spoon works really well. Use serrated paring knife and score skin, then dessert spoon up under the skin and slide over orange, skin comes off easily
Mine is a Tupperware peeler. They use to have them in their give away or prize bag.
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