I have been asked to make a 90th bday cake for my Granddad. He would like a fruit cake covered with fondant icing. I have made cakes in the past covering them with butter cream and fondant but was wondering what goes under the fondant when it comes to fruit cake? Thanks in advance
Jan 19, 4:23am
I'e used jam which has always worked well
Jan 19, 4:24am
Marzipan ( almond paste). Google it, lots of recipes, how to, and Youtube videos.
Jan 19, 6:05am
I always use marzipan under either fondant or royal icing. This is the recipe that I have used for years. Rich Almond Paste 350 g (12 oz) ground almonds 175 g (6 oz) caster sugar 175 g (6 oz) icing sugar 1 medium egg, beaten ½ lemon, juice only Few drops Almond Essence This is sufficient for top of 20-23 cm (8-9 inch) cake. Place dry ingredients in a bowl. Add lemon juice & essence then just enough beaten egg to make a pliable paste, lightly knead before rolling out to cover cake. Allow marzipan to dry for a couple of days before covering with fondant or royal icing.
Jan 19, 7:24am
Will probably be a few oldies eating it, I’d go old school almond paste under the fondant.
Jan 19, 12:16pm
I would brush some sieved apricot jam on the cake. This acts as a glue for the fondant. You can either use Marzipan/Almond fondant for the fist layer and put royal icing fondant on top of this layer. This gives a smooth finish. You can also spread a thin layer of butter cream (know as dirty icing/coating) making sure it is very level. I would put in the fridge to harden then put a layer of fondant on top.
Jan 19, 9:14pm
Just a thought, not everyone likes almond fondant. I love almonds but can't touch a cake if it is covered in the fondant.
Jan 20, 2:41am
Almond fondant sounds gross - marzipan however is delicious and not the same thing at all
Nov 2, 10:59am
I much prefer royal icing to fondant which seems to me like sugary play doh although seniors may find fondant easier to eat. I would put marzipan between cake and what icing you choose with sieved apricot jam between the layers to help it stick
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