If you want cuts you can't see for sale, you have to order them. Offal, including tongues and tails, is sold in specialty markets overseas at high prices. We got a bit spoiled, and stopped buying them, women went out to work, and, on the whole, have little time to cook, we use packets and premade sauces, and lots of us just never learned. Yesterday in the supermarket I was talking to a woman who was looking for packet mustard sauce, for goodness sake! Arrrrggghhhh! Sorry, I just found myself on my high hobby horse!
Apr 1, 4:03am
Countdown meat is crap as everything else with Countdown. No problems with our meat and fish from New World.
Apr 2, 12:18am
Tell ya what if the piece of rump steak I bought a couple of hrs ago from p&s is crap then good must be very very tender. And it was not a bad price.
Apr 2, 3:12am
Yes i agree. I find it is fine. Cheaper than going to A Butcher who charges twice as much.
Apr 2, 8:24pm
We normally have farm kill meat that spoils us, when that runs out the butcher is my first stop. However bought some rump steak at new world recently and it was lovely. My tip, say starting this week, live out of the freezer, go buy 5 lots meat on special at butchers freeze it. Next week do the same and freeze, now for that week eat the first 5 lots you have, having couple of meat free dinners in there as well. Find it works out quite a bit cheaper than paying full price for meat.
Does beef etc get any haging time in the modern supermarket world ? Or is it just straight from the farm to abitoir and into the supermarket in a week. Would explain why supermarket meat can be indifferent most of the time.
Apr 3, 12:36am
No - not all cows get fed palm kernel.
However "Australia is set to demand Britain imports hormone treated beef under a post-Brexit trade deal. " So is that what we see in NZ supermarkets as "Specials"?
Quite simply, you're wrong. Countdown meat is butchered at a central processing plant and delivered to stores pre-packed.
Edit to add - they're upgrading their central processing plant too - building another right next door to the established one. "The plant will open in 2020, and will replace Countdown’s existing meat processing facility next door, providing long term job security and employment for the company’s 300 meat plant team members".
I'm that disgusted with the crap available from SM's I have now cut down on my meat intake, but buy decent stuff as a treat. This place is a joy as far as their products go, but it does cost. http://lakefarmbeef.co.nz/
Apr 3, 3:26am
I started shopping at Pak n save about a year ago, i'm not at all impressed with their meat. I refuse to buy their mince any more, its just awful. Their lamb chops are tough. I'm eating a lot more bacon than I ever used to. mmmm, beehive streaky bacon is pretty good
Apr 3, 4:37am
Have you tried the shaved streaky bacon? Think it is Hellers, that is good :)
Apr 6, 8:34pm
Punkinthefirst is right its all about aging much regular supermarket meat is the cheapest which means its processed hot and vacuum packed before chilling so it doesn't get a chance to dry out in the chiller thus loose weight.
You can tell that meat that's not been aged on the hook its bloody and wet in the packet. those drippy ones that have to be double bagged.
But then the supermarkets also get the price breaks on failed export orders etc so its not all bad news they can have extremely good quality meat too, and often its the specials that are best.
In general though NZ beef is fairly poor quality by international standards so even quality butchers struggle to get good beef at times. Most of our export beef ends up in burgers because that's about all its good for.
Apr 6, 9:17pm
It's funny eh, been growing export meat for years, and I get great hunks of meat brought up to the house to cut, bag and freeze, a pain in the butt at times, . I reckon the meat at our NW supermarket always looks very good and attractively packaged, I just love to buy a little bit now and then, when low on meat, and craving a bit of beef. I see nothing wrong with it, all clean and trimmed and ready to cook, I enjoy it anyway.
Apr 6, 9:24pm
That would be a load of fibs
Apr 7, 7:59am
you do not know what you are talking about,, my local countdown gets all their meats in packages from countdown meat processing plant,
countdown site info In recent years, Countdown has moved away from having on-site butcheries and have moved to centralized facilities. Cabinet Ready Meat (CRM: pre-cut and pre-packed meat) is supplied to non-butchery stores from a central plant in Auckland. Due to the complications of logistics in shipping CRM to the South Island, all South Island Countdowns have retained their butcheries
Apr 16, 3:11pm
After seeing country calender's episode on Eketahuna Meats, I ordered a steak pack from them, and there were all the usual selections in this box, yes it was $200 but worth every damn penny, think we got 4 packs of each type, enough for two people each meal, I'm so sick of spending $16 for scotch fillet from the supermarket and finding it grisly, or completely yuk. So my first try from Eketahuna Meats was the rump steak, not only was it delicious you could cut it with a normal B&B knife, next try was the porterhouse, omg it was juicy, tender and oh so extremely good, last night was the scotch fillet, there is no denying that was heaven, I still have 3 packs of all types left and I'm thinking ill be ordering more very soon, they have other meat available not just steak, check them out, worth every penny in my eyes, no more wasted $16 spends, https://www.eketahunacountrymeats.co.nz/products
Oct 2, 5:15pm
I have been on homekill for the past 4 yrs,my guy will hang the carcass for at least a fortnight,plus there is no stress to the animal when killed not unlike all supermarket meat & possibly butchers ( mad butcher type).This makes a huge difference to the actual quality.Possibly why that Eketahuna butcher’s meat is ok as being a small country butcher he is aware of the hanging/slaughtering procedure.Only meat we get is chicken & bacon from S P
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