I've made it once before and it set like toffee. I do love guava jelly and have a tree starting to bear a big crop of red guavas. Just picked the first bowl full with lots more coming on in the next week or 3. Im just simmering the first lot now, will strain over night and make the jelly tomorrow. Any tips or recipes in the meantime would be appreciated. Thanks.
Mar 10, 2:59am
If it set like toffee you probably overboiled it. Guava jelly doesn't give a very firm set (unless you add a few tart apples), and I suggest you use a sugar thermometer to judge when it has reached setting point, 105 degrees C.
Mar 10, 3:05am
LOL, I dont have anything as flash as a sugar thermometer. A few recipes i've looked at suggest adding sliced lemon or lemon juice, this helps with the set doesnt it? Thanks PS i've got a few crab apples I could add, might have to be the next batch i make now as the guavas are already pulpy
Mar 10, 6:18am
Well im hoping it sets OK, I found a digital thermometer that i've had for years. And after googling it I found that it will measure upto 200*C ! It took a bit longer than I thought it would to hit 105*C and the jelly was just starting to thicken/coat the spoon so im hoping it sets well. The drips on the chopping board seemed to be nice and thick, and it tasted pretty good. I now have 6 1/2 jars of lovely clear ruby red jelly and the tops are popping down already. Im happy!
Mar 10, 7:47am
Wow, lucky you dibble, I love guavas and guava jelly is just the best. Yep, add the lemon juice or some jam setta but be careful not to over cook it, very easy. Keep testing with a cold plate until it reaches setting point. My first attempt was like toffee too. Guavas make a good paste too, nice with crackers and cheese or served with roast pork or ham, I have also served guava jelly with roast pork instead of apple sauce. I find that Feijoa jelly is a similar taste to guava jelly, we like that too.
Mar 10, 6:16pm
Ohhh, I never thought of making Feijoa Jelly. Whats the pectin like in that, does it set easily? I'm going to have to go and buy some pectin/Jam setting mix from the supermarket as my Jelly didnt set. Its like a thick syrup at the moment, very tasty though. Lucky I didnt have any plans for the day.
Mar 10, 10:09pm
feijoa jelly is a lovely pink, sets easily and tastes pretty good too.
Mar 10, 10:43pm
Great thanks, I'll be making that in the next month or so when my feijoas ripen - always get to many. I'm assuming you use the whole fruit, skin as well?
Mar 11, 4:28am
Yes, whole fruit, I just wash, cut in quarters and pop in the pan to cook. It sets well. Just finished my last jar which I made a couple of years ago so will be making somemore this year. Feijoas also make a great chutney too.
Mar 11, 5:06am
Now just have to get everyone to save me their smaller sized jars. Can get plenty in the mayo/pasta sauce size but dont really need a jar that big filled with jam or Jelly.
Mar 12, 8:15am
I bought some smaller sized jars from TWH to make jams/chutneys for Christmas. They were $6 for a tray of six, I thought that they were a bargain compared to other stores, Kmart also have some for the same price. I always seem to have loads of bigger size jars which I find are too big for just the two of us.
Oct 15, 10:10pm
I might look into this as have white guavas in the garden. I always throw them out but some guava jelly would be lovely on toast. The reason I throw them out is because it is full of fruit flies (I live in Auz) but I give away the good ones as I can't digest them.
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