I have just been asked to make marmalade for a gift for an old lady but she doesn't like having to pick skin out. Ok Why But not to give up and one done it like a jelly? Or the likes? Or do I just make my normal that everyone loves and remove skins at end when bottling? Quite like the idea of it as a jelly might be worth a play with :)
Aug 12, 2:35am
I have grated or zested the skins of grapefruit and squeezed the juice. Gives a lovely clear marmalade without the pesky skins. If that doesn't suit then make it like you would say crab apple jelly.
Aug 12, 3:30am
Anyone who needs to avoid grapefruit, due to medication, there is an easy and cheap way around having marmalade that tastes just like the grapefruit one. Used grated carrot, lemons & sugar it works a treat.
Aug 12, 4:40am
I just made some crab apple jelly :) And turned out great :) So might try a couple of ways with it. Thanks
Aug 12, 4:43am
Thanks people yes I make some marmalade without grapefruit for people as well But first time for the request of no skins in it. Thanks people I will do it a couple of different ways might even like it myself :)
Thanks again people.
Aug 12, 5:27am
I make one with just the lemons, no carrots, because of the medication thing & it's a good substitute, I miss grapefruit cos I do love them & the moment I couldn't have them . I've been craving for them. Damn it!
Aug 12, 6:03am
Just make marmalade putting the rind and pips into a muslin bag and cook as normal. Removing the muslin bag before adding the sugar and cooking to setting point.
Aug 12, 7:41am
My Dr has said marmalade is fine as its cooked & you are not eating a lot of marmalade in one go. I have made marmalade & put it all thru the whiz before cooking then you end up with a jam like product.
Aug 12, 9:21am
We put any citrus through the mincer. Lovely marmalade.
Especially loved is the one made with our small mandarins. Too small really to eat, but lovely minced and cooked into marmalade.
What medication is stopping people to eat grapefruit?
Aug 12, 10:46am
I am pretty sure it is Warfarin a heart medication
Aug 12, 11:56am
Also certain BP meds too
Jan 5, 10:09am
Yes, some BP meds as well. As Niffer13 said, by eating it in marmalade you're not consuming a lot of grapefruit, and I don't deprive myself of that pleasure. Drinking straight grapefruit juice, or eating whole grapefruit, I avoid, and miss.
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