But every curry is different, better to go by the recipe than use a generic powder.
Apr 4, 1:28am
I get mine from wingate road spices in avondale.
Apr 4, 1:58am
A lot of these places make up a 'curry' powder when they clean out the 'dip bins'. So it is unlikely you will get the same flavour twice. Grind your own from fresh whole spices or if desperate use Vencat and if really desperate Pams from PNS, New World, or Four Square
Apr 6, 2:48pm
I agree with that or any Asian supply shop. Especially find Malay curry powders very good
Apr 7, 4:02am
Baba's curry powder is good. They have separate mixes for meat and fish. Available from Moore Wilsons and prob other places too.
Oct 29, 12:06pm
I'm disappointed that our resident expert, pickles, who has her very own blog sharing heaps of recipes that she's 'crafted' all by herself, won't share her 'yummy' curry powder recipe . c'mon pickles . we are all here to share our special recipes, aren't we? I haven't got many, but what I have , I'm happy to share & I know you are too, so why not the home made curry powder ? We are all keen to learn, aren't we? I am.
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