I'd love to surprise my Maori husband. has anyone a recipe please?
Aug 1, 7:22am
Hangi pudding? Do you mean like a steamed pudding?
Aug 1, 6:55pm
What is the normal recipe people use in a hangi for a steamed pudding? I am sure that is what I am looking for and will just cook it in the crockpot. I have only eaten it a few times and only remember it is delicious, nothing else! Being Irish, it is a novelty for me so I am not sure what I want really!
Aug 1, 11:50pm
Have you tried asking his family, especially his mother or grandmothers? If they do a hangi puddling then your husband might prefer theirs.
Aug 2, 8:20pm
Good idea BUT he was adopted, he is 65 this year and most of his family older is dead. His first marriage was to a European. no luck there! Good idea though!
Aug 5, 1:25am
Look for Steamed Ginger Pudding in the Edmonds Book. This was usually doubled to make the Hangi Steamed Pud by my mother. Absolutely Yummy. (Mrs Kamo4)
Aug 5, 5:54am
Thanks! Would that be the usual steamed pudding to come out of a hangi? I don't know so it is a genuine question.
Aug 5, 8:19am
It is what my mum made whenever dad put a hangi down. Not sure if is the "usual" pudding, but it sure worked for us
Aug 5, 8:39am
You don't actually put the pudding in the hangi. my aunty makes the meanest steamed pud, but she's yet to share the recipe.
Aug 5, 8:52am
It is steamed pudding you are after though. I don't know if you could make 1 in a crockpot as you need to constantly top up the water in the oven as it cooks. hence the name. The one I have seen made was flour, baking powder, plum jam, sugar, butter and salt. But I don't know the quantities. The one my aunty makes is the burnt sugar type which is by far the best. But sorry I can't help with an actual recipe.
Aug 6, 6:30am
Thanks, all the answers have been helpful!
Aug 10, 9:29am
ummmmm yes you do put it in the hangi. Mum used to make it in one of those watties A10 size (catering) cans with the top removed then after the mixture was put in she would place foil over the top and tie a piece of fishing line around the can effectively sealing it. Then we would place the can on top of the meat next to the wire cage with veges in it. Have you got any Maori mates? Everyone has a favourite recipe. I don't but my nieces do. Been to 4 different private hangi's this year and each one had a steam pudding in it. slightly different recipes but all very scrummy.
Aug 12, 7:11am
Have you got any Maori mates? Everyone has a favourite recipe. I don't but my nieces do. Been to 4 different private hangi's this year and each one had a steam pudding in it. slightly different recipes but all very scrummy. [/quote] Yes, I have a Maori daughter in law and I asked her and she didn't know any recipe or what to do! I think next time I will try the steamed ginger pudding which was suggested. The whole experience was a major success and my husband genuinely delighted!
Aug 15, 7:52am
Yes, I have a Maori daughter in law and I asked her and she didn't know any recipe or what to do! I think next time I will try the steamed ginger pudding which was suggested. The whole experience was a major success and my husband genuinely delighted![/quote] oh! Sorry about that but I'm glad it all worked out for you. We all had our jobs and mine was getting the stones ready then when the fire burned down take them out, dust them off and put them back at the bottom. It was the worst job so I was excused all the others so my sisters and nieces got mums steam pudding recipes all sorted.
Aug 17, 10:44am
This is the burnt sugar recipe we put in our hangi cooker. 1/2 cup burnt sugar 1/2 cup water 2 cups flour 1 tsp baking soda 1 cup sugar 200grams butter 2 eggs
To make the burnt sugar, place 1/2 cup sugar in a pot and burn on hot element until sugar mixture is black. (must watch it) Remove from stove and slowly add 1/2 cup water. Leave to cool for approx. 10 mins.
Pudding mixture: In a bowl put flour, sugar, soda, melted butter, eggs and burnt sugar mixture. Mix together with a wooden spoon. Well grease a metal container and pour in mixture. Cover with tin foil and poke a few holes. Place container in the veggie basket with the veggies and cook for the entire time the hangi is down for. The pudding has never failed. It came with our Multi Kai Cooker
Aug 18, 10:03am
#16 +1 Hangi steam puddings contain burnt sugar or golden syrup & no fruit.
Aug 23, 8:46am
bump for hangi steam pudding
Dec 10, 10:00am
Hi this is the one that was given to me for the hangi and it is yummy. 1lb butter 6 eggs 6 cups flour 11/2 cup sugar dark jam lge jar 11/2 bottle milk 11/2 tablespoon baking soda
melt butter till soft in large bowl, add eggs, sugar, jam, beating altogether. Then add flour. In a pot heat the milk till warm , add b.soda and add to other ingredients. Grease tins well, half full, cover with tin foil. Feeds about 30-40 people, half for smaller amount. I sometimes add sultanas to some, just for a change. Enjoy!
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