Crockpot recipes

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rosel4, May 29, 3:10pm
I had a lovely bacon hock soup at a friend's house.She'd done it slowly in the slow cooker.It was delicate and clear but very tasty and satisfying.She had everything in it, Kings soup mix, carrots, peas, potatoes, onion, garlic, celery, swede.Delicious really but despite her casual recipe instrucitons, mine only ever turned out thick, chunky and gluggy, so I end up blending it into a cream of pea and ham soup.

Anyone got a slow cooker recipe for a light ham hock soup please!

burney2, Jul 3, 12:35am
Does anyone have some quick, easy and tasty crockpot recipes? I would prefer ones that you don't need to muck around browning stuff before it goes in the crockpot.

suzanna, Jul 3, 12:46am
Go to the left of screen 'message board' use 'crockpot recipes' in keyword and 'last year' in date posted. You will discover many many recipes. Just as google is your friend 'message board' is too.

southerngurl, Jul 3, 12:49am
whats the diff between a crockpot and slow cooker?

suzanna, Jul 3, 12:52am
There has already been much discussion around this so if you scroll back over he pages or do a search then you will find some interesting reading.

babytears, Jul 3, 12:53am
Not much- they both do the same thing. I think 'crockpot' is an older term from when slow cookers were then made from crockery

chicco2, Jul 3, 1:01am
One of our favourite recipes is: spray crock with cooking spray. Place an upturned saucer in the crock.Season a whole chicken and stuff a peeled onion inside it. Place chicken on the saucer and cook all day on low.
Dont add any liquid. When ready just chop chicken and use in any way you want.
Sammies,salad,chowmein, Doritos, Enchaladas,(?sp), serve with oven chips, use your imagination.

suzanna, Jul 3, 1:01am
There is a huge difference. Slow cookers in fact cook much more quickly than crockpots and in fact it was a common theme throughout the discussions on here that many people had sold/ given away their newer slowcookers in favour of the older included. Hence any crockpots for sale on TM command very good prices. It would be worth you having a look at the threads so you can have a good idea of what you really want. I confess...I am totally biased towards the crockpots.

suzanna, Jul 3, 1:32am
If you search 'slow cookers' you will find some very relevant threads.

babytears, Jul 3, 1:48am
Well I never knew that... I have been looking for a slowcooker and was planning on giving up my crockpot - I guess I shouldn't then

suzanna, Jul 3, 6:09am
If you want to sell your crockpot (but I wouldn't if I were you!) I'll buy it to save me carting mine to the bach. Just an idea but see if you can borrow a slow cooker try it out and see if it's what you want. Cheers

laneyjan, Jul 3, 10:35am
Hi a lovely recipe I have for the crockpot is
Put in your chopped up vegies,(whatever you like) onion carrot peas corn etc.on the bottom or they won't cook properly, flour your steak, I like topside best. Big or small pieces. Make sauce with 1 packet of maggi oxtail soup & 1 cup water. Tip over meat and cook slowly for 10 hours (breakfast till tea) yummy

burney2, Jul 3, 7:46pm
Thanks for your recipes, these will be great, I have just back workingfull time after 13 years of part time, trying to get dinner on the table at a reasonable time has been a bit of a mission!

burney2, Jul 4, 12:35am
Does anyone have some quick, easy and tasty crockpot recipes! I would prefer ones that you don't need to muck around browning stuff before it goes in the crockpot.

suzanna, Jul 4, 12:46am
Go to the left of screen 'message board' use 'crockpot recipes' in keyword and 'last year' in date posted. You will discover many many recipes. Just as google is your friend 'message board' is too.

southerngurl, Jul 4, 12:49am
whats the diff between a crockpot and slow cooker!

babytears, Jul 4, 12:53am
Not much- they both do the same thing. I think 'crockpot' is an older term from when slow cookers were then made from crockery

suzanna, Jul 4, 1:01am
There is a huge difference. Slow cookers in fact cook much more quickly than crockpots and in fact it was a common theme throughout the discussions on here that many people had sold/ given away their newer slowcookers in favour of the older included. Hence any crockpots for sale on TM command very good prices. It would be worth you having a look at the threads so you can have a good idea of what you really want. I confess.I am totally biased towards the crockpots.

chicco2, Jul 4, 1:01am
One of our favourite recipes is: spray crock with cooking spray. Place an upturned saucer in the crock.Season a whole chicken and stuff a peeled onion inside it. Place chicken on the saucer and cook all day on low.
Dont add any liquid. When ready just chop chicken and use in any way you want.
Sammies,salad,chowmein, Doritos, Enchaladas,(!sp), serve with oven chips, use your imagination.

suzanna, Jul 4, 1:32am
If you search 'slow cookers' you will find some very relevant threads.

babytears, Jul 4, 1:48am
Well I never knew that. I have been looking for a slowcooker and was planning on giving up my crockpot - I guess I shouldn't then

suzanna, Jul 4, 6:09am
If you want to sell your crockpot (but I wouldn't if I were you!) I'll buy it to save me carting mine to the bach. Just an idea but see if you can borrow a slow cooker try it out and see if it's what you want. Cheers

rob5chch6, Jul 4, 8:28am
If you like porridge , then there is nothing nicer than the nutty flavour the crock pot gives you, and it is piping hot and ready on a cold morning . use 1 cup of rolled oats with 2 and a half cups of cold water and a little salt .Put into a smaller bowl which sits on top of an upturned saucer in thecrock. Cook for 8 hours or so on low setting . So convenient , and sooo tasty!!!

laneyjan, Jul 4, 10:35am
Hi a lovely recipe I have for the crockpot is
Put in your chopped up vegies,(whatever you like) onion carrot peas corn etc.on the bottom or they won't cook properly, flour your steak, I like topside best. Big or small pieces. Make sauce with 1 packet of maggi oxtail soup & 1 cup water. Tip over meat and cook slowly for 10 hours (breakfast till tea) yummy

rob5chch6, Oct 3, 9:52am
If you like porridge , then there is nothing nicer than the nutty flavour the crock pot gives you, and it is piping hot and ready on a cold morning . use 1 cup of rolled oats with 2 and a half cups of cold water and a little salt .Put into a smaller bowl which sits on top of an upturned saucer in thecrock. Cook for 8 hours or so on low setting . So convenient , and sooo tasty!