Can you buy such a thing? Don't have much kitchen storage so was thinking 3 in 1 would take up less space. It seems an obvious idea to me but can't find one.
Apr 12, 5:43am
Bought one recently, picked up my Kenwood this morning so looking forward to trying it soon. I bought one with a combination of variations and wondering all ready if some items are superfluous but I think a couple will get a lot of use.
Apr 12, 6:57am
I have a Kenwood food processor/blender combination. I have had it for around 3 years but the blender died recently which was disappointing. Is around $100 to replace the blender goblet but dont think I will bother as the processor part could go soon. The blender was powerful and was good while it lasted.
Apr 12, 4:57pm
I think a food processor/mixer blender would be best for me - I rarely use a blender - I have googled but where is the best place to find out if such a thing is available? My food processor is ancient and my current mixer is the basic Sunbeam but works well.
Apr 12, 9:47pm
I wouldn't be thrilled having to get out a big mixer every time I wanted to use the processor or blender.
Apr 12, 9:54pm
I intend to leave it on the bench and free up cupboard space
Apr 12, 10:08pm
I had a Kenwood processor/blender combo and the blender packed up quickly so I bought a KitchenAid blender I love and when the processor packs up I'll buy a KitchenAid processor.
You will still have to find cupboard space for all of the accessories. However, the one you have found looks great. I'm only average height, even a bit on the short side of average, so I would find having to use the blender on top a bit of a mission and I'd have no use for the lemon squeezer. The motor isn't particularly powerful so the blender probably wouldn't do things like turn sugar to icing sugar or even caster sugar, nuts to butter, fruit and vegetables to a smooth drink or turn almonds into milk but I'm guessing you wouldn't want to do any of that anyway. Or I could be completely wrong about its power output. Bosch is a good brand.
Apr 13, 12:50am
I hardly ever use my processor because its such a pallaver to get out from the back of the cupboard, the bowl is really hard to get off and the lid is cracked too, and I only have a blender on loan from Miss 24 who may eventually move out. I am tempted to see if I can get the Bosch one sent over from the UK.
Apr 13, 12:55am
My current ancient processor turns nuts to butter so I don't see why this one wouldn't, I buy icing sugar or caster dugar if I want them and would rather eat fruit and veg than drink them anyway. I know Bosch are good - my fridge/freezer is a Bosch and mum's Bosch fridge was good for at least 20 years. Just doesn't seem to be anyone over here who sells their small appliances because I would rather see it before I buy it. Its actually quite compact having watched the video - unless the woman in the video is a giant.
Apr 13, 1:28am
\So why are you looking for a new one? What brand is the old one?
I have a 33 yr old Kitchen Whizz, use the processor often, although just the blade. And the juicer. Never seen another like it, it has the feed tube but then a zester type thing in bottom and this mesh stuff round the side. You get liquid, but the rest gets totally mushed. and I use it mainly when doing soups. put the mush and all in.
Apr 13, 1:49am
Because the bowl is hard to remove and the lid is cracked so it needs replacing but I don't use it as often as I would/could/should because its a PITA to get out from the back of the cupboard. If I buy the combo it will go on the bench where my mixer is and will just keep that as a hand mixer. It annoys me because the bowl is stainless so can't put it in the microwave for melted butter in recipes so that means more washing up. Its all relative - if you're time and space poor you have to maximise what you can
Apr 13, 4:46pm
All good then. If you are happy with the wattage and think that it will easily handle all the jobs it is designed to do over an extended period of time then you are onto a winner and will have great value for money.
As a point of reference my old Kenwood mixer is 800w. My blender is 950w and is a good, strong workhorse. Some of the modern mixers sold at Briscoes are 1000w.
I love my Wee Black'n'Decker kitchen Wizz, plus two stick blenders and my big mixer and all is easily stored in cupboards.
Stick blenders are great for those instant jobs especially in the pots (on stove) and other such things.
kitchen wiz is compact and takes up minmum space. Mixer is the largest item with two glass bowls and two different types of beaters but is stored ready to go.
In summary, the stick blenders are great, like using a spoon or fork and is quick.
Apr 13, 6:34pm
I really only have the bottom half of one cupboard to put all my kitchen "machinery" and it's full. I had a stick blender - hated it. I don't want to add more stuff - need to streamline so I can actually get to the stuff that's in there without things falling out.
Apr 13, 6:36pm
The first one seems to be blender/processor and doesn't have a mixer - close but not really everything I need.
Apr 13, 7:30pm
Can understand this.
Also had a big clean out a few months ago, not just wee appliances but everything and gave me heaps of space. Had to hard on myself, LOL.
Apr 13, 7:44pm
I will clean out and donate to my daughter - I remember my mum doing the same but I only got Tupperware (most of which I still have and use, but is in the same cupboard as my machines!)
Apr 13, 9:03pm
Slightly OT but Tupperware, is it of the old ones say about 30 to 40 years old plus, they are great and irreplaceable and still use ours.
Apr 13, 9:10pm
Ha ha - yes some of it probably is that old - a party susan that mum got as a hostess gift and never used has been used a lot in our house and my daughter is thinking of selling it now as well
Apr 14, 2:20am
Buzzy my KitchenAid blender is 500w but will do anything including ice with ease. It's more how efficient it uses the power rather than how high the wattage is. There's a lot of blenders etc on the market now with unnecessarily high power but they not always a very good machine.
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