I have bags and bags of standard white sugar waiting to be used up. Could I replace the caster sugar with standard sugar? I hate cooking failure!
Feb 5, 5:53pm
I have never used castor sugar in my life and never had a failure.
Feb 5, 6:18pm
You would just have to beat the eggs and sugar for a bit longer - until the sugar has pretty much dissolved. Just take a small amount on the end of a spoon and then rub your finger tips through it to see whether the sugar has broken down to smaller grains.
Feb 5, 8:29pm
You could also put normal sugar in a food processor or blender and make it finer. You can do that with raw sugar too for a different taste and if it's finer it'll just dissolve a bit quicker.
Feb 5, 9:03pm
Blend it, or just use it as it is. Either way, you won't have a problem.
Feb 6, 2:39am
I am the same as lilyfield - I have never bought caster sugar.
Mar 23, 8:48pm
I am the opposite - I never buy white sugar. I buy caster for baking and raw sugar for every day use such in tea, on cereal, etc. but you can out white sugar in the blender or food processor to make it finer - can actually make icing sugar from white sugar as well
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