the Roasted Peach Chutney I made using a recipe of yours about 6 weeks ago. and it is so damn good! Fruity, spicy, absolutely delicious! Mmmm mm! Thanks for sharing the recipe. it's definitely a keeper!
Mar 24, 6:45pm
Would you be kind enough to share the recipe please l seem to have missed it
Mar 24, 6:57pm
From the "Peacherines" thread.
"Any recipe for peach or nectarine chutney will work with peacherines. Wee had a huge tree of them when I was a child and my mother treated them the same as Golden Queen peaches. Here's a chutney that I made recently with Golden Queens. It is a very sweet chutney, so don't eat too much!
Roasted Peach Chutney
1 kg roasted peaches and juice (see below 2 c sugar 2 large onions roughly chopped 6 cloves garlic 2 red chillis finely sliced 1 c soft brown sugar 1 c cider vinegar grated rind and juice of 2 lemons 200g dates 200g sultanas 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp ground cardamom
To roast peaches peel and stone and slice, sprinkle with sugar. Roast about 2 hours at 150oC. You can freeze them at this point to use in chutney later on.
To make the chutney
Mix all the ingredients except the cinnamon and cardamom and leave overnight in a covered glass or china bowl. Add the spices mixing well. Bake for 1.5 - 2 hours at 180oC stirring regularly. Try not to break up the peach segments too much. Remove when thick, glossy and starting to caramelize (watch carefully). Spoon into sterilized jars and seal. Leave at least 1 week before eating. Store in fridge when opened.
Quote davidt4 (216) 4:46 pm, Wed 5 Feb #6 " :-))
Mar 24, 7:41pm
Thanks very much for the feedback. It really is delicious isn't it, and so intensely flavoured that a little goes a long way.
Mar 24, 8:51pm
Thanks 245sam the peaches are in the oven now and the rest is mixed up waiting for the peaches it is the last lot of peaches off the tree so good way to use them up as the brown rot is taking them l had just enough for the recipe
Mar 25, 4:53am
Oh it's a winner! It'd definitely be really hard to beat, that's for sure!
Mar 25, 2:41pm
Where the recipe originally came from is really neither here nor there for me - just thanking the person who kindly passed it on to me and to say just how beautiful it really is.
Mar 25, 4:02pm
l made it all up last night and it looked good enough to eat and tasted very nice l wonder if anyone has used it as a salad?
l will roast mine up today and bottle, can't wait to try it
Mar 26, 2:25am
Well while I used the said recipe, I didn't use peaches in it; I used Peacharines, so I guess you could say that I have "invented" a Roasted PEACHERINE Chutney! and the recipe is all MINE! Ha!
Mar 26, 2:54am
elliehen l meant before it was cooked up without the cinnamon and cardamon in the same vein as tomato, onion and cucumber salad
Mar 26, 5:17am
I see now where you are coming from elliehen, and fair enough ;-))
Mar 26, 1:53pm
I see that there is speculation about the provenance of the recipe I gave for roasted fruit chutney. I was given it by a friend who is famous for her interesting preserves. I'm afraid I have no idea where she got it from.
Mar 26, 2:46pm
Personally, I couldn't care less where it originally came from! You passed the recipe on to me, and very glad you did! It is beautiful and that's what matters most! Cheers davidt4! ;-)
edited to say: some people can be very pedantic about recipes and their origins. as for me, there are more important things in life than to be stressing about where a recipe was "born"! or who invented it!
Mar 26, 3:29pm
+1, this chutney is lovely thanks Davidt4 for taking the time to share your recipes with us.
Mar 26, 5:17pm
Why not let it go elliehen. Anyone can change a recipe by adding or subtracting something. davidt4 just posted the recipe he was given.
Mar 26, 6:14pm
You still can't let it go can you. I have no idea what you are talking about showing my profile pic of a cake I made. Who cares if someone copies my cake. I don't. I refuse to discuss it any more with you.
Mar 26, 8:38pm
Thanks David for the recipe
l would not have made it without Carlosjackel commenting about it and when l saw you had posted it l knew it would be good, even though l don't eat pickle but hubby loves them
Thanks Carlosjackel for posting your feedback and drawing my attention to it l will make it again next year
Mar 27, 4:16pm
elliehen where does Chelsea get it's recipe from? l have seen many a recipe on Chelsea web site that l have in my old cook book that l have hand written in some 30+ years ago that l was given by different people but they might have put a chocolate squiggle over the top
Maybe Chelsea came up with the recipe but l am sure they have been given recipes over the years but l haven't seen any references
Mar 28, 2:48am
Thanks for your reply elliehen and after spending the afternoon reading "A Good Day for Baking" from Rural Women's and the history to many of the recipes is interesting
so many recipes are swapped between people that the history can get lost and sometimes alot of people don't worry about the history including me in my younger days so l can't always remember who gave them to me and l never sort the history to them either and then so many recipes l have are ones that are changed to suit that persons personal tastes so not the same as the original
Do please keep putting the history you have on recipes as they are interesting to see how they have evolved
Mar 28, 3:22am
griffo4, I have watched and read this thread purely as a spectator until now but I think I can to a certain extent answer your question "where does Chelsea get it's recipe from?" because earlier today in the course of sourcing a recipe for a Jo Seagar recipe request I had in my hand the year 2000 book "Sugar & Spice with Jo Seagar" which is "A Selection of the Best recipes from the Chelsea Sugar Great N.Z. Bake-Off". Quite by chance I found in that book a recipe for Roasted Golden Queen Peach Chutney which was contributed by Judy Doyle of Wairoa. I haven't bothered to check but I guess that most, if not all, of the recipes in that book are or have been on the Chelsea website. While I don't believe I have the same level of interest in the history and source of recipes as elliehen has, I too am interested in a recipe's source so for that reason I always endeavour, out of respect, to acknowledge the source of any recipe I post, if I have that info' whether the recipe be from a well-known chef/cook, a friend or family member, or another TM Message Boarder and the above-named book does just that too - every recipe has its contributor's name and location + in most cases a comment or reason why the recipe is/was of significance to its contributor. :-))
Mar 28, 3:50pm
Thanks 245sam for your input, l thought most of their recipes came from contributors over the years
l have that book as well and l remember the series on tv years ago but haven't noticed the chutney recipe but will go and look
l do understand the need to acknowledge the recipe source and l have also seen in many places especially magazines recipes that l have seen on here, one that comes to mind is cooks lemon yoghurt cake in a magazine word for word but no mention of where it came from but that seems to be the way of the world these days
l have been reading the latest Rural Women's cookbook and the stories behind the recipes it as interesting as the range of recipes
l make many recipes from here and when people compliment me l say no it is a recipe l got from here and who posted it, l would never think of claiming as my own
David l got rave reviews of this recipe, even though it hasn't been left a week before eating
l might have to give out some more jars of it ;-) and l have told them it is from here
Nov 18, 2:54am
sounds yum
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