I have Lamb Flaps in the freezer and don't know what to make with them. Thanks in advance
Aug 13, 2:59pm
Pet food.
Aug 13, 3:15pm
Yep dog food, although our dog won't eat them either!
Aug 13, 3:45pm
Are they boned out or not? If boned out, spread with stuffing, then roll and roast, There is a bit of skin that you might like to remove first, but it doesn't have to be, just might be a bit chewy. The meat and/or bones can be added to an Irish stew. You can divide the bones or leave as they are, to be slow roasted on their own, or marinated first Waste not, want not!
Aug 13, 3:47pm
Flaps are delis, just stuff them and ssslllooowww roast them.
Aug 13, 3:48pm
Make sure they are at room temp before cooking, not straight from the fridge. I have mine out flat for a couple of hours at least.
Aug 13, 3:49pm
Google recipes for breast of lamb (as lamb flaps are known in UK). It's a lovely bit of meat, cooked properly. I do mine stuffed and roasted at high heat. Most of the fat melts away, and you are left with lovely crispy-skinned meat.
I boil them for about an hour or so. Then remove the bones, cut into pieces and - flour, egg,breadcrumb them - fry - eat. These have loads of flavours.
Yep, a number of various fillings can be used if wish, just think of what you would like. Oh, Bacon as part or whole of filling goes great also as a filling.
Aug 15, 3:11am
If they are boned spread with your fav stuffing, like some dried apricots or bacon, breadcrumbs, onions etc roll tight, tie in places with string. Put a little plate up turned in your slow cooker ( they produce a bit of fat, this keeps it out of that ) sit meat on top drizzle top with balsamic vinegar, s/p , sprinkle rosemary on top cook on low. I find they slice better cold next day. Good full of flavour for home kill flaps in freezer.
Aug 15, 5:18am
Thanks, yes I stuffed Rolled and roasted. They were delish.
Aug 15, 5:55am
yep . stuffed goanna
Aug 18, 2:06am
Aug 18, 3:32am
A lot of old style butchers say they are the best part. We don't waste our either.
Dec 21, 6:10pm
if you remove the silver skin its makes then more tender i roll and stuff them after removing the bones then roast long and slow yummy
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