Just as a matter of interest... those other people with exceptional taste in food like myself that love lambs fry... Those that like it, can you write whether you or parents or grandparents worked or lived on a farm?
Jul 23, 10:40pm
No way, 3 generations of real townies - but I just love lambs fry - always providing that it is cooked properly of course.Nothing is worse than badly cooked lambs fry.
Jul 23, 10:49pm
Mum and Dad didn't come from farming backgrounds, back Dad's family was really poor, and he always had a low paying job so I guess it was economic to have lamb's fry.
I love it.Not tripe though.
Jul 23, 10:55pm
i wasatownielovesweetbreads,tripeandlambsfry ,
Jul 23, 10:58pm
My mother came from a long line of farmers. My father took up farming when he married my mother.
My mother used to be able to cook meat by a process she called 'braising' which is nothing like braising really, and her lamb's fry tasted exactly like steak. I didn't know the difference. She always made this amazing, almost black, sauce with onions with it as well.
Wiping drool off the keyboard as I type. lol
Jul 23, 11:01pm
and Ilove it. I freeze it so it is firm, then slice as thinly as I can. Dust it in flour then quick pan fry it. When all cooked I fry some chopped up bacon in the same pan, no rinsing , then put back the liver with some tomato puree , salt ans pepper to taste and let simmer until hot. I serve it with mash suds and nicer the next day
Jul 23, 11:01pm
I am an offal eater (love Lambs fry) I have worked on farms so has my father and possibly my grandfather but only casually when young and at Uni none of us ever lived on a farm apart from short stays. Dad was longest maybe 6 months while he recuperated after returning from WW2 I guess it would be hard to find a multi generational Kiwi who doesn't have those sort of links.
I am a keen hunter too so am familiar with and comfortable with the more gory side of meat.
Jul 23, 11:13pm
not farming background but my dad worked at the meat works, so lambs fry was a regular, mine (cooking there of) is however, better than mums and she freely admits that.
Jul 23, 11:18pm
love lambs fry and bacon. a few places here do really nice dishes. I fry the floured lambs fry in butter first, take out, then fry the onions, then put the fry back in, hold pan under tap, fill with water, add the chopped raw bacon, parsely, worc sauce, and tomato sauce. thicken after about 20mins cooking. always serve with mashed spuds...yummmmmmy
Jul 23, 11:19pm
I first tasted lambs fry , sweet breads and tripe, while nursing in the 80's. There was always spare meals available. I love them, but have not had them since.
Jul 23, 11:20pm
In my early days, i used to buy a big one, give some tothe cats, then the rest was tea...used to tell the kids it was steak.....then they saw the cat eating it one day, i just told them...spoilt puddys...
Jul 23, 11:33pm
My background is completely urban and I love lambs' liver (and other offal).I hated liver when I was a child because my mother overcooked it and it was always hard, grey and leathery.These days I often marinate it in olive oil, garlic and mint then grill or barbecue it to be served pink.
Jul 23, 11:35pm
MMMMmmmmm.... These recipes I have never tried!!! I have heard of a number of people that cut thinly. I always have chucks, but that way sounds nice too. My mum cooked it for me, then my awesome mum-in-law. Sadly both have passed away. So a few weeks ago I bought it and had a go. Thought the smell or feel would put me off, but the end result made up for it.
Jul 23, 11:37pm
A number have talked about the cheaper meat in the day. I wonder what the price of meat was like then compared to now in comaparrison to the average wage. A roast seemed like every week back then. Now it's a rare thing... Does anyone else remember going to the butcher with mum or dad and getting a free saveloy?
Jul 23, 11:37pm
Add dried to sage to Lamb's Fry delicious!Dammit!I just dropped my large oval casserole Pyrex dish on kitchen floor...smashed to pieces.Ripped open finger earlier on Son's bed springs!Now it is hailing, trying to snow....shivver me timbers!
Jul 23, 11:45pm
Townie here and i Love lambs fry, kidneys, tripe,sweetbreads, all offal really cooked correctly is good, i once stuffed sheep hearts and oven baked them served them sliced with gravy mashed spuds and vegs kids thought they were chicken and asked for more, all got eaten. My lot think i'm nuts eating offal, lol but they don't know what they are missing...
Jul 23, 11:50pm
My background is also urban and I love most offal except tripe. Myabsolute favourite is lambs fry as long as it's not overcooked.
Jul 24, 12:52am
Well, when I cooked it for myself a few weeks back I had no idea how long was too long. I somehow did it just right but everyone says how important it is to cook it well... but not too much. Any easy ways of telling when it's ready?
Jul 24, 12:54am
My father was a farmer. My mother loathed the lifestyle so they moved to town and got regular jobs. My mother cooked lambs fry and bacon in a casserole of vile tasting mush, regularly. And tripe and onions. Dad hate lambs fry and bacon as much as me (it would make me vomit, my sisters used to love it when mum tried to force me to eat it), but he did love tripe. I'd truly rather die of starvation than ever smell or eat tripe again in this lifetime.
Rabbit on the other hand, I am keen on and used to shoot them alongside my father.
Jul 24, 1:00am
Heh heh
Jul 24, 1:03am
Nicky Wicks (World Kitchen TV3) was talking on the radio yesterday, saying back when she was a kid, mutton was a common meat and it was a treat to have a roast chicken.How times have changed.I rarely have good quality red meat as I can't afford it often and for me, the change has been apparent in the last year.
Jul 24, 1:28am
I remember the free saveloys or cheerio's too.. yum! to the point that when waiting for the bus near a butcher's shop in early college years, we'd buy some to eat, while other kids bought lollies!
We love liver. Fry bacon rashes till crisp in a dry frying pan.. then wash and dry liver with a paper towel, cut into slices about 1cm thick, dip in some flour, surplus shaken off, then fried slowly in butter - has to be butter! Take bacon & liver from pan, place on paper towel covered plate, paper towel on top, then fry pan lid on that to keep liver & bacon warm. Add onions to same pan, fry till caramelising, then make gravy.. just before serving, add liver and bacon into the onion gravy - serve on hot buttered toast. And - a must - slices of fresh bread and butter to wipe up the gravy from the plate! Yum!
Jul 24, 1:29am
Yes, mutton was common, and chicken never purchased - though we had some chooks that were used at times - don't want to remember that part!
Jul 24, 2:39am
Liver, bacon, onions, mashed potatoes and gravy - yum! And no farming background at all
Jul 24, 2:45am
love lambs fry but only ever had it fresh when husband killed sheepnand we inspected liver ourselves.Not that keen to buy it from the supermarket as not sure of freshness or quality.!!!!!!!!!
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