Fakon? OMG - what next? Why not just use some liquid smoke with whatever you cook?
Sep 11, 12:50am
I agree. It's ridiculous.
Sep 11, 12:53am
there is no reason why you can't enjoy bacon and support animal rights. if you're interested in finding it, there is plenty of sustainably and responsibly farmed meat available.
Sep 11, 1:20am
I can understand why vegetarians/vegans want to replicate bacon tastes. Most of my vege mates tell me that the one meat flavour they miss the most is bacon.
Sep 11, 1:31am
Mine too. That and good quality sausages. However I do agree with daarhn although people can eat what they want aye. No one else's business (unless asked)
Sep 11, 2:36am
The vegan in my family won't touch any of the manufactured meatless "meats" that try to replicate the flavour of animal flesh. Each to their own.
Sep 11, 3:38am
About 10 years ago I read an interesting article (sorry I have no links) - which basically said: If you want to change the lot of caged and farmed animals - eat meat!
Of course this caught my attention and the author went on to say that you will never change the lot of farmed animals if you eat soybeans instead of meat - BUT if you eat meat and DEMAND that it is farmed organically etc then you can make an impact.
Soybeans are farmed with artificial fertilizer, lots of fossil fuels and then are highly processed into "meat-like" things.
Their annual sowing, spraying and harvesting is killing the soil (as it has to be turned over each season, losing valuable topsoil and humus in the process) - while animals stay on grass land - and are actually IMPROVING the soil fertility instead of destroying it.
Just eat meat he said - 2 or 3 times a week and demand it to be the highest quality - THEN you will change the lot of many animals.
There you go - another viewpoint.
Sep 11, 3:41am
Makes sense Uli. Demand will impact on supply. Economics 101
Sep 11, 4:21am
Just as there is a reverse evidence that the damage farming animals does to the environment, use of chemicals, fertilizers, antibiotics, the list is endless. Either way better management practice in farming for any food needs to be sustainable and beneficial to the environment, waterways etc. Ensuring it is as natural and nutritious as possible.
Sep 11, 4:33am
I don't get too hung up on it. I am very happy to eat meat and I have no problem with the slaughtering of farmed animals for my consumption. However there are farms and then there are farms. Responsibly farmed, sustainable farmed, whatever you want to call it, it all costs money and that is quite rightly passed onto the consumer. I've made the call to eat meat less frequently, but when I do eat it, it is the best meat i can afford. That way, I have done everything possible from my end, to get the best looked after animal, that has been farmed in the best possible way.
Sep 11, 7:05pm
I think you need to understand the difference between factory farming of animals with pollution problems and disease problems - and organic farming.
What I am saying is that if you farm animals organically then you do not pollute the environment with chemicals, fertilizers, antibiotics etc.
However if you are vegan or vegetarian then you will impact on the soil fertility to the point where we are now with our incessant growing of wheat, soy and corn ( and lots of other annual grains and pulses). Because you eat more starches if you do not eat meat.
In Australia we now lose 2kg of topsoil (which takes a few thousand years to accumulate - if you do NOT plough) for every kg of grains harvested - and we do plough every year of course to grow those grains.
So try and read up on it. I am NOT advocating factory farming at all.
What I am saying is that a bit of meat or fish every day is better for your health and the soils health and the planets health than growing wholesale annuals. Read up on it - it is not something new at all.
Sep 11, 7:28pm
You've completely missed the point of my message. Best you go find some outdated threads to bump than blathering what I should read and eat. Ugh!
Sep 11, 8:09pm
So if I "completely missed the point of your message" - what was it?
Sep 11, 8:32pm
What didn't you understand, about this? "Either way better management practice in farming for any food needs to be sustainable and beneficial to the environment, waterways etc. Ensuring it is as natural and nutritious as possible." Pretty clear & straight forward, I'd have thought.
Sep 12, 12:25am
yes that is exactly what I answered in post #36 - what IS sustainable and what is not.
So why the outcry that I have said what the poster needs to eat? I never said anything about it - I just offered an insight into the impact of different farming strategies. However that might not have been what the poster wanted to read?
Sep 12, 12:37am
OK uli . you are always correct, aren't you? Everything you post is 100% accurate, isn't it? pssst . silver eyes/fat?
Sep 12, 12:48am
Not sure if English is your first language as I don't presume to know you? However, I suggest before you post a reply, get someone to reread what you are writing and perhaps explain to you the message the poster is conveying to the reader. As some of what you write can be interpreted as, missing the mark, patronizing, condescending and presumptuous, dare I say know it all and rude. Evident by your standing here in this board and responses you get from others when you post. When you do post without the holy than thou attitude and when you actually understand the message and respond accordingly, I quite enjoy some of what you have to say.
Sep 12, 12:51am
Very well summed up, daarhn. Life is all about attitude!
Sep 12, 1:11am
And life is also about diversity. Accepting it in others and reflecting on it in ourselves.
Sep 12, 1:15am
No one is above being questioned or challenged. Understanding the intention first before you idly accept reflects the type of person you are don't you think? Oh Lord I've strayed to far from the New Age & Spirituality board. hehe
Sep 12, 1:32am
In English we have a term for this - it's called 'being deliberately obtuse'.
Sep 12, 1:44am
lol. I eat vegetarian bacon because I like it! Just as you eat what you eat because you like it. I will google the company and find out all about where they get their produce from, how it is raised and get back to yous. General and Parenting ain't got nuthin' on you lot!
Sep 12, 2:05am
Absolutely but attitude still is right up there, imo.
Sep 12, 3:23am
Good on you ruby2shoes!. It would seem that some of us are here to learn & then others are here to show how knowledgeable they are about their choices being the only choice. a shame really
Oct 29, 12:20pm
My wife makes it based on the Little Bird cafe uncook recipe. I haven't eaten meat (much less bacon) for over 20 years but it I doubt it tastes like bacon but it tastes nice and unlike bacon a pig isn't KILLED and unlike bacon its HEALTHY for you.
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