"So tixy, when you start finding that you are not only having very heavy menstrual flows, but also they are lasting longer and occurring more frequently, you will think of me, because that is a side effect of folic acid fortification on some women. You may think of rude old me when you have a gyneacologist 'hurting' you and wanting to book you in for unnecessary surgical procedures. These things happened to me as I am sensitive to the effects of artificial folic acid. "
heavy menstrual flows can be attributed to MANy things buzzy... I dont think tixy has you to thank for your comments - absolutely appalling comments for you to make.
May 2, 8:22pm
I have read that folic acid can also help prevent alzheimers. If this is true folic acid in bread is to the advantage of many not just women.
May 2, 10:09pm
Thankyou for your support there Pam. That post rendered me speechless. I too am tired of Buzzy110 making assumptions about people - and I don't take too kindly to her publicly bringing up MY gynaecological health (of which, of course, she knows nothing about). Feel free to join me in voting her post off.
Please note I never said I agree with fortification.
May 2, 10:28pm
OK. It is no odds to me anyway. Be as speechless as you like. I oppose the addition of folic acid in bread because I have seen what happens to someone who had prostate cancer and I saw the hideous, painful death he had to endure and I wouldn't want to wish that onto anyone. If eating a proper diet can counteract babies being born with spina bifida (and this is why bread is being fortified after all) then why should we all have to be mass medicated?
I oppose the addition of folic acid in bread because it has affected me personally. If my experiences are considered unimportant then so be it. Eat your folic acid fortified bread and feel smug that you might not get alzheimers. You may not have gotten alzheimers anyway, but I guess that is also unimportant in the greater scheme of things.
May 2, 10:29pm
cooks, are you my stalker now?
May 2, 10:49pm
I am puzzled by the link between folic acid and prostate cancer. Men have been getting prostate cancer for time immemorial. They must have eaten a lot of folate rich foods.
May 2, 10:56pm
I have better things to do with my time, however, I think your comments were out of line.
May 2, 11:01pm
With you there tixy... sadly this is the norm and this is what has had people up in arms for months. So, someone knows someone with prostate cancer and thinks that this is the ONLY thing that could have caused it? ? ? Same with spina bifida? ? ? As said before you have no medical or health care background I will be voting to.
May 2, 11:27pm
I see you cannot work things out either cooks. I knew someone with prostate cancer and I watched his horrible death. Folic Acid is a known and proven prostate cancer carcinogen. Not everyone who gets prostate cancer got it from folic acid, however, men will get prostate cancer from breads fortified with folic acid. This is why I am against it. Now get with the programme.
I do not require a medical background to know exactly why folic acid is being put into bread and flour. It is being put there for 2 reasons. The first is because folic acid was once a component of wheat before they took it away via processing. The second is (and I don't need a medical degree to know this either) because spina bifida is caused by insufficient folic acid stores in the pregnant woman. I'm not saying it is the only cause, only that we all know that it is A cause.
Folic acid is not a rare or precious element. Folic acid stores are easily built up by eating some very cheap and commonly available vegetables and meats.
May 2, 11:33pm
I will make no comment about the processing because tixy specifically said she would prefer not to get into that but it is an interesting study.
Kay, folic acid is not the only cause of prostate cancer. What I will say, is that until they started fortifying stuff with folic acid it was not a cause of prostate cancer.
If you think about lung cancer, smoking was not the only cause of lung cancer and emphysema and lung cancer and emphysema were heard of before smoking. However, smoking is now a known cause of both disease, and people who once may not have gotten either are getting them. Have I cleared it up for you?
May 2, 11:34pm
I am perfectly capable of working things out buzy, thanks for your concern. To be spouting "advice" when you have no formal training or knowledge is a dangerous thing buzzy and although you may think it helpful, it can indeed cause more harm than good. i am not quite sure why you continue to be so incredibly rude to people like those mentioned earlier and frankly i can see why exactly tixy was speechless. I know you are very keen on all the theories and good on you for that, however, there are quite a number of people that do not wish to have all these facts, figures and blame shoved down their throats day after day.
May 2, 11:37pm
cooks. It is good you are following me around. I may be able to help you to see things more clearly.
May 2, 11:37pm
The problem being though buzzy110, many people do not eat a healthy diet.
So do we add folic acid to bread to save babies being born with spina bifida and thus protect them from this dreadful condition
do we not add to save someone from the risk of reacting to that addition and perhaps getting some other dreadful condition?
Who do we protect?
May 2, 11:42pm
cooks. I never gave advice in this thread. Do I have to spell that out. I merely stated my objection to folic acid fortification and pointed out that people who end up with a child suffering from this disease, and which was caused by insufficient folic acid in the mother's diet, should not be expecting the rest of the population to suffer as a result.
I have every sympathy for people whose children have this crippling disease, especially if it was caused by some other agent, than not enough folic acid in the diet. However, I think that doing good in one area, and causing a more damaging harm in another area is not a particularly good trade off.
And I bet that there are more people, especially men who would think like me, if they knew the facts. If you have any man in your family that you love, you too would think like me. I have already taken steps to protect my husband from this experiment. He will not be a guinea pig. My new grandson will also not be part of this experiment.
May 2, 11:47pm
folic acid repairs dna and red blood cells . it supposed to essential for health but patients with ischaemic heart disease may however lead to increased rates of cancer and all-cause mortality. . my heart specialist in america told me not to eat any thing with added folic acid because of the extra risk.
May 2, 11:53pm
That is an extremely good question and incredibly well framed. Here is my opinion. Remember I have strong view on this so my opinion will definitely not tally with others.
Put folate into bread and there is the slimmest of chances that 4 babies will not be born with spina bifida. Remember that if the mother ate a lousy diet she would have very few other sources of folic acid and would she eat the 12 slices daily necessary to boost her stores?
Put folate into bread and there is a greater risk that even the smallest amount will cause more than 4 mean a year to get prostate cancer. If just 1% of every one of those men failed to catch the disease in time they will suffer horribly as my friend did.
Put folate into bread and there will be a very small number of women in the population who will experience extremely heavy menstruation. No one will say that it is a cause but I have found it to be so because I worked it out over an 18 month period using elimination and reintroduction. Once I had a suspicion I then rearranged my diet, one month with and one month without till I could say categorically that folic acid added to products I consumed caused my problems.
Everyone has free will. I say no to folate and yes to education in schools, which is where I learnt the connection between folic acid and spina bifida. My teachers weren't medical personnel either, but they gave the advice anyway.
May 2, 11:54pm
I am sure that cooks would have something to say about the dangers of non-medically trained personnel instructing children in causes and effects vis-a-vis medical knowledge, however, it can work.
May 2, 11:56pm
sorry to burst your bubble buzzy110 you are not someone I would want to follow. Last time I looked, we lived in a democracy and I am more than free to look at any thread I choose. I was having a conversation with tixy... . my comments still stand and you do indeed offer pages and pages and pages of advice all over the message board. Please do not try and twist things or back track on what was said above. I have lived relatively low carb for a number of years, I practice homeopathy and a number of other things and have done since before they became fashionable but I do not feel the need, nor do I think it is my right to shove it down everybody elses throats ad infinitum. I do not intend to carry this discussion on with you as I know it will just continue on and on and I am not really wanting to be brow beaten again. Have a great afternoon.
May 3, 12:02am
I do tend to agree with you buzzy110 - I think the main problem is that we all have this dreadful picture of a child with spina bifida and think that if we can stop it, we must stop it.
I would be very interested to see research which shows the difference FA has made to the incidence of SB in countries where it is added routinely. And also the incidence of other problems which the addition may have caused or affected.
May 3, 12:14am
But cooks you must be following me because how would you know about the pages and pages of advice I offer all over this message board. The only place I offer it is in the Food Lies Thread and no one has to look at that if they don't want to. In this thread I merely offered my opinion, AND I backed up my opinion so that you wouldn't find fault but apparently you do that anyway.
As to your own practises, well are they relevant? Thirty years ago my doctor used to give me a choice of acupuncture, homeopathy or drugs. As an aside, most of the books I have read on the matters that are dear to my heart have come from her own personal library and been recommended by her personally. I wonder, that, after being allowed to read her books, any knowledge I may have gained in the doing, should be considered invalid.
I also wonder why you are so obssessed with me. I never say anything negative about your postings unless they are directed specifically at me so I can only assume you trudge around these boards seeking with guns ready, to shoot me down at every possible turn.
May 3, 12:20am
Yes it would make for fascinating reading, however, I would imagine that any such study would have both trouble getting funding and, if it did get going, being allowed to publish if the results weren't exactly what the government of the days was looking for.
This has been the problem with any research that may lead to disproving the Blood Lipid Hypotheisis.
May 3, 3:26am
I am with you Pam. I dont intend to follow Buzzy110 either, but they (he/she) bloody show up everywhere. Hard to avoid these days... No wonder the recipe boards are diminishing huh?
Thanks for helping to vote off the entirely unwarranted and unwelcome posts about my supposed gyno health - what an inappropriate post to make. However it does make me laugh to think that Buzzy110 has thought about my hooha more in the last while than I have!
May 3, 3:39am
No difference. . figures are all available for the USA, AU and Canada. Shows no comparable difference (because who eats 12 slices of bread a day? )
May 3, 3:54am
nfh1 wrote: I would be very interested to see research which shows the difference FA has made to the incidence of SB in countries where it is added routinely.
So why not check it out?
There is the internet , libraries, papers and journals ...
Then come back and report to us ...
May 3, 3:56am
It would be easier if someone reported to me! ! ! !
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