I can't believe they were shocked by their score. There meal looked terrible. And i'm sure if the judges had of seen the disaster that was the pudding before it was plated up, they wouldn't have scored so high for their dessert.
Jun 10, 12:01am
I didn't expect them to score so highly for the dessert, but you have to hand it to them for being able to present it well in spite of the hiccups they had with it. They lost me as a supporter because the bitchiness & strategic scoring.
Jun 10, 12:19am
Same here. Her bitchiness almost made the mean blondes look good at times.
Jun 10, 3:06am
i would hope the girls tonight will get voted higher than cinderella and her prince they are lovely girls will wait and see
Jun 10, 3:27am
From the ads (although they can be deceiving at times), they score very highly.
Jun 10, 5:45am
Yeah . a few of them are so far up themselves as to their ability . you have to wonder! We can all put out great meals, I can & I'm sure most of us in this thread do as well, whether they would pass Pete & Manu's analysis, I don't know & as long as the people we cook for enjoy our efforts . who cares!
Jun 10, 6:57am
it was very blonde on blonde on the dessert plate last night.
Since the merginue wasn't cooked, I would have turned it upside down, returned it to the tin, and returned it to the oven. to give it some colour on both sides
I thought it was a dessert which had the merginue in "blobs" that was then blow torched.
Jun 10, 7:16am
Yeh the ones i have seen done b4 are quinelled and "cooked" in the creme en glaise (sp). Hadn't seen one done like that b4.
Jun 10, 7:59am
can anyone remember where tonight's girls come from originally? I remember thinking it was different from where I had imagined, but no idea where (and really do not want to google their names) :) Cheers
Jun 10, 9:04am
tis okay, worked out it was Singapore and Malaysia, with Indian influences :)
Jun 10, 9:35am
Didn't they do well? Their dishes really appealed to me, well maybe the desert wasn't my kind of food . but the rest certainly was. Ones to watch?
Jun 10, 10:20am
they did awesome, made me hungry. I agree about dessert, but not a huge fan of desserts anyway. I just hope the promo girls do okay (can't believe I am saying that, but really want Kat to go).
That was the second lot of food I thought I might like to try, (still need to try the Texan beans one day) :)
Jun 10, 8:31pm
those girls did so well last they are lovely girls i want kat to go the promo girls were rather quiet last night i thought maybe they didnt want to compete with the nasty kat might have opened their eyes a bit
Jun 10, 8:33pm
Last night's meal was great. They did so well. I am ready for Kat to go as well as she is annoying me more than the promo girls with her bitchiness.
Jun 10, 10:35pm
I'm ready for Kat to go too. Although she did redeem herself a tad by not giving a ridiculously low score.
Jun 11, 3:09am
I've lost track of the scores but is it a possibility that Princess Candyfloss Trees and Marshmallow Cars will be eliminated if another team does well? She makes me want to throw things at the tele.
Jun 11, 3:39am
are you meaning Annie and Lloyd? (The redhead). if so, they are safe.
whilst I can't stand them or the promo girls, I prefer them to Kat and Andre. I think the promo girls are more bearable than Annie, but .
Jun 11, 3:47am
Yes, that's the one. I was only half watching last night so no one else really registered on my radar. but that Alice in Spirit Animal Fairyland creature needs to go. Can she cook. or does she get the gumnut pixies to do it for her?
Jun 11, 4:04am
LOL! At least she scores fairly. She irritated me too, to start with, but I quite like her now . cos she's different & not bitchy.
Jun 11, 4:33am
honestly, I know they have cooked twice now, they were at the bottom till Kat and Andre had their turn, but I have no clue as to what she did, she does annoy me, too, and I just have the tv going in the background while doing other stuff unless I like the couple or the food sounds good. ;)
Hmm, you have me thinking now. He wants to be a chef. Okay brain gone, I have no clue just for a change :)
Jun 11, 4:57am
Yes, I like happy positive people too. but she does bad things to my insulin levels.
Jun 11, 7:53am
I can't understand why so many these MKR couples, decide they don't like some of the food before it even reaches their table, grow up! Looove chicken livers
Jun 11, 7:56am
Rosti made in a sandwich press . genius!
Jun 11, 8:02am
Or maybe not!
Jun 11, 8:05am
Don't overcook your pork chops girls!
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