they are so yummy, there is a place called spin potatoes, did have a business card, but cant find it. A group sell them at the Napier Market on sundays. think they sell for $3 or $4 . Think it is a kind of franchise business.
Apr 1, 7:49pm
You could do it with an apple peeler and corer as well
Ask at a good kitchen shop
Apr 1, 7:52pm
Yes I have got an apple peeler/corer but thought it might be tricky getting the sticks thru but well worth a try. Thanks duckmoon.
Apr 1, 7:53pm
P.S. The apple peelers/corers sell on TM for $12. I see them in fancy kitchen shops $89!
Apr 1, 10:04pm
well, one gets what one pays for. You can have a well made American one for even more than that and in fact, they were the original ones until the cheap Chinese knock offs arrived LOL
Apr 1, 10:30pm
Yes you get what you pay for mine cost about $35 20+ years ago still going well. I only use 3 or 4 times a year. My son used to peel an apple every day after school when he was about 10. It was made in Tiawan.
Apr 1, 10:39pm
I have a cheap "knock off" I purchased at a market in Vietnam years ago and still going strong. Only use it at preserving time when processing a lot of apples. Just bought it for a bit of fun not expecting it to last this long. Would not have paid big money for something like this when a potato peeler and apple corer work just as well.
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