My bread maker has a recipe for a wholemeal loaf with 50% wholemeal flour and 50% high grade white flour. It always turns out well and tastes great.
But there is also a recipe for 100% wholemeal flour that I would like to make but it requires 1tbsp of gluten flour. Had a look in local supermarket and can't find any labelled as such. So then I got to wondering if a tbsp of white flour is the same thing.
Anyone got the solution on this!
Mar 23, 7:57pm
I think it is the same thing.
Mar 23, 8:00pm
The 'macro' brand at Countdown sell 'gluten' flour.
Mar 23, 8:03pm
It's not the same thing.Gluten flour is made of gluten which has been extracted from wheat.Ironically,Healtheries is the most common brand in NZ.It is usually stacked with the other flours.
Mar 23, 8:05pm
That's amusing. So it has way more gluten content!
Mar 23, 8:32pm
Thanks - I'll look again in the local Countdown. I did have a good look at the flours but couldn't see any labelled "Gluten Flour". I might try another Countdown in the area. But at least I know what brand to look for this time.
Mar 23, 8:35pm
No. Gluten flour is literally just gluten and nothing else.
Mar 23, 8:39pm
Healtheries have a range of specialty products which are packaged in turquoisie blue/green packaging. They are usually all together on the supermarket shelves in the baking aisle. Read each label carefully because they all look alike. The also have the same coloured and printed, but bigger, packaging, in the b/f cereal aisle with flaked rice b/f cereals and maybe (but don't quote me on this) muesli. This will give you an idea of what you should be looking for in the baking aisle.
Mar 23, 8:49pm
Binn Inn stocks it.
Mar 23, 9:24pm
Thanks for all the help. (We don't have any Binn Inn in our area.)
Mar 27, 1:55am
I bought some at Pak & Save, but that was a few years ago, It's probably eiither up high or down low where they put stuff that isn't in high demand.
Damn edited 3 times - going to find my glasses NOW
Mar 27, 2:13am
In ourP&S its with thegluten free and bran section. I often use extra gluten in my bread when I want a wholemeal only loaf, makes it lighter.
Mar 27, 2:31am
It's in the baking section of many supermarkets.
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