I checked a couple of old threads but they don't answer my questions, so. 1.Is normal NZ jelly the equivalent of US Jello!2. Can you buy pink lemonade here (juice I think, not softdrink)!I want to make pink lemonade vodka shots.3)People on the other threads are using plastic shot glasses which is what I am planning to do - but how do you eat them; with small spoons!Could you put a lollipop stick or small popsicle stick into them!Thanks - making them for a wedding and didn't realise it wasn't a NZ recipe.
Mar 16, 3:55am
1. Yep, or I think it is. maybe someone can correct me there! 2. Pretty sure you can, or make your own with this http://www.lickicecream.co.nz/kool-aid-pink-lemonade or your own lemonade and add pink food colouring etc :) 3. Spoons would be a good idea, less messy more dainty. Straws or sticks dont work that well, but then again a 'quick whirl around the outside and down the hatch' works a treat ;) Up to you really :) 4. Just because I can, make sure to use decent vodka, not the cheap stuff as it will taste horrid!
Mar 16, 3:58am
There is Pink Grapefruit juice, that might be what you are looking for,, all supermarkets.small spoons, or justtilt your head back and slurp them out.! are you making them with vodka etc!
Mar 16, 6:30pm
Thanks all, barbra I think grapefruit juice has a much 'tarter' flavour than lemonade so probably wouldn't go with that in this case.Yes I'm using vodka, have to go with what I've got which I think is an average one, not high-end but not cheap n nasty.Most of the recipes use 50/50 water and vodka with the jelly so we'll see. have seen them made with plain strawberry jelly too, but they end up a lot redder and I want pale pink.Thanks again for advice.
Mar 16, 7:13pm
maybe use lemonade jelly and add a little food colouring.So that they set dont use as much liquid as it says on the packet as the vodka makes it harder to set
Mar 17, 12:38am
Thanks Robyn.I also heard to mix the boiling water with the jelly, let it cool, and then add the vodka or else the alcohol evaporates.Will repost when I've tried it and hopefully had success!
Mar 18, 5:08am
You pinch the bottom of the shot cup and it will slide out. Simple. You dont eat vodka shots you scull them .
Mar 28, 1:08am
Thanks jaybee6!Good tip :-)
Mar 28, 2:37am
Just a word of warning - I bought some of the plastic shot glasses from Countdown, in packs of 50 I think. They seemed ok til I started pouring in the liquid - and more than half leaked! I'd cooled the jelly down, it was only tepid, so it wasnt caused by boiling liquid.I was only making mini jellies (long story.) which was frustrating enough, but I would have been really p***ed if it was vodka leaking across my bench.Therefore, I would suggest 'testing' the glasses before using them, to avoid having to lap vodka up from your bench!
Mar 28, 2:45am
peter wabbitt
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