Chocolate covered coffee beans?

iriegirl, Feb 17, 5:54pm
Does anyone know where in Christchurch I could buy some! Am making a mocha chocolate cake and thought they'd be good to decorate with, TIA :o)

bedazzledjewels, Feb 17, 5:58pm
You can usually get them at supermarkets- Donovans brand I think. Oops no, I got that wrong; they don't make them. Sorry.

cookessentials, Feb 17, 6:23pm

vintagekitty, Feb 17, 6:24pm
Thats a early 90's flashback!, I used to live on those whilst at uni, I will get them to see if they still taste as good as I remember

cookessentials, Feb 17, 6:43pm
Crikey VK, you must have been climbing the wall!! LOL

cookessentials, Feb 17, 6:43pm
$8.18 for 100g

vintagekitty, Feb 17, 6:45pm
I think I did become quite addicted to them, becuase I used to have to eat handfuls. I will prob have a couple now and not sleep!

lilyfield, Feb 17, 8:28pm
make your own, buy loose beans, any quantety and drop into melted chocolat

wildflower, Feb 17, 8:38pm
Caffe L'farre (spelt wrong I know) make them and so nice but you'd have to order those online.

mumstu, Feb 17, 9:36pm
I found them at Bin Inn Today in Invers, so maybe they have them up your way as well!

iriegirl, Feb 18, 3:04am
Thanks everyone for the replies, on the look tomorrow and will report back with the successful spot :)

chevcamaro, Feb 18, 3:10am
i think i might have just come across a newfavorite. omg