Smoked marlin pate

cottagerose, Feb 24, 2:18am
Does anyone have a recipe for this please as my daughters just been given some smoked marlin and would like to try making pate

marywea, Feb 24, 5:17am
Smoked Marlin Pate
Kitchen Whizz definitely needed-blender took forever.
I found it was rather dry And second time I added a little more lmon juice.Take from fridge an hour or so before and enjoy.

400g marlin,
1 pot cream cheese- 250gr.
1 clove garlic
1 tspn mustard
salt & pepper
75g butter
1 tblespnlemon juice
Put all together in kitchen whiz and blend.
Keeps forever in little sealed pots in freezer.

cottagerose, Feb 25, 9:36pm
thanks, marywea

cookessentials, Feb 25, 9:53pm
Yum. I do a smoked roe pate' which is yummy too. Gosh, I have not made it for years!