That's what I use when I make my own, well not the orzo pasta butthe Barilla Risoni pasta, medium grain rice and Maggi Chicken stock.Make it up as it says on the Diamond Rice risotto packet, cause number one son loves the stuff and the packets never make enough when he's around.Think I use half a cup of the Risoni pasta to 2 cups of rice, doesn't really matter, just what and how you like it.
Feb 25, 1:27pm
Hi Korbo, there are a million recipes online. Myfav places to go are, tv food network, and am a home chef, so i don't usually mess around with processed foods. But it sounds to me, since you really liked it, it was probably a mix of rice especially for risottos and orzo pasta, (the risoni someone mentioned would be just fine instead of the other pasta.)u usually brown both in a bit of butter, then begin ladeling your liquids, one by one adding only when the former is all absorbed.Do not over-stir, just a few times to move the mixture around so it is all able to absorb.The combo of rice and pasta is not traditional risotto, but a nice *nuttier* version of the classic dish. You can buy the liquid at the grocery store in a box (vegetarian, chicken) called stock. You will probably use one, so the rule is to buy two, haha.I wouldn't tell u to use the Maggi Chicken powder, just because the quality and flavor would be so much better if u use stock from the boxes, or even if you make your own :)Good luck :)
Feb 25, 8:28pm
I love the one from Vinnie.really yummy and very easy to do.hmmm.might have to make it for tea tonight.
Feb 25, 10:09pm
I had to laugh .I've been making an almost identical to McVinnie's risotto foryears & I think it came from one of these 'simple meals' type books & all of a sudden a celebrity chef offers it & it's very fashionable .strange eh! Just goes to show that there's nothing really new, or maybe the cookbook stole it from McVinnie or vice versa! It's one of my favourites though & well worth making.
Feb 26, 1:31am
thankyou all, will add the ingredients to shopping list for the weekend.
Feb 26, 1:50am
Risotto dates back to 16th century Milan.Of course Ray's recipe isn't new, nor is he implying that.He would probably be amazed by anyone thinking that.
Feb 26, 7:13am
This is my version.I use Sun Rice Arborio Rice, put it in a frypan for a couple of minutes. In a saucepan I put some water and add chicken stock, some lime juice, fish sauce, about a teaspoon on green curry paste and about an 8th of a tsp of chilli paste. Then add the rice and let it cook. I then throw in some frozen peas and maybe frozen corn near the end. Then I will get some chicken or seafood and cook it up for the side of the dish.
Feb 26, 7:32am
Of course, we all know risotto's origins, don't we! I wonder why McVinnie is being credited with this recipe then! Annabel Langbein does the same, reinvents an old recipe & everyone thinks she's a 'guru' .you know exactly what I mean, surely.
Feb 27, 10:20am
Comparing cost of rice, packet risotto is not cheap. Make your own bulk sauce and freeze.
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