I have just picked a bucket of beautiful peaches from my tree, no sprays, very little brown rot im so pleased.How do I preserve them.Are they best frozen, ! do you blanch them first.or bottled.If bottled how do I do this without making them over cooked !.
did you fined anything interesting on you tube!.jillybeen.
Feb 2, 12:57am
I pack mine into jars destoned, halved, raw and cold, then put the lids and rings on and boil them for 30 minutes time - from when the water boils in my big pot. Then lift out and let cool. Next day remove rings and put the ones that didn't close into the fridge for eating first. You can add a spoonful of sugar to each jar. Easiest fastest and no mess - also not hot items to handle except taking the jars out of the pot at the end of cooking.
Feb 2, 2:45am
That method is very similar to the oven method.uli, But you water bath the jars, rather than cook them in the oven. You do end up with a nicer product, over the over flow method, for sure.
Feb 2, 3:35am
And much less mess and burns LOL :)
Feb 2, 9:04pm
We buy bulk peaches when over Hastings way. I just peal and slice put in plastic bags and freeze they come out lovelyfor cooking. Even the juice is great. Have not tried them raw after freezing, don't know why.
Feb 3, 6:18am
We were buying them for $1.00 a kg three years ago, I feel that orchard is not picking any more. I will be looking for some too this year to bottle.
Feb 25, 2:07am
Water needed in jars with the fruit.
Feb 25, 4:33am
If you feel like it you can add water. I never do - and I bottle lots of peaches and plums every year.
Mar 4, 4:32am
can you do them in vodka or brandy!
Mar 4, 5:45am
Yes. Absolutely. My parents always did few jars of each fruit with alcohol to match - vodka, brandy, rum.
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