I have posted a recipe I have made in the past at post 2. I have then been accosted by cooks and her friends.
Do you think I have to just sit and suffer their idiotic posts without saying anything! Is that what you mean by "if you cant say something nice - say nothing at all" . so maybe I shouldn't even have posted a recipe!
And leave it all to cooks and co! Is that what you are trying to say!
Feb 26, 12:18am
For gods sake ULI give it a break. You seem to get off on causing trouble. I dont know you, I dont know Cooks, so for gods sake take a break take a kit cat, make some relish do something but stop making trouble. You say you have been got at for years then I say the problem is with you and you must go looking for it. Please get over it have a lovely nite and enjoy life it will be much better for you.Make my relish if you wish you will love it. Be nice and kind to people and you will find the message board a much nicer place to be. Good luck.I dont usually get tangled up in a mess like this but you have caused it and it has P.d me off. Get your fact right. MOVE ON.
Feb 26, 1:51am
jaybee6 - I AM nice and helpful - sorry you missed it :)
Have you got any problems! Let me know , maybe I can help you!
Feb 26, 5:03pm
Hi jaybee6, made the relish last night. I had a wee taste off the spoon and I must say, I was very impressed. I am waiting till we get back from Nelson next week before I try it properly, maybe with a good piece of cheese. Thank you for sharing the recipe, I will do the taste test again next week to let it develop some flavour and will let you know. it smelt wondeful while it was cooking too!
Feb 26, 9:47pm
You know jaydan1 - if you have no time for those lovely peppers and chillies right now - they do freeze exceptionally well!
Peppers I just halve and de-seed then freeze in small plastic bags. No blanching, boiling, nothing and they are lovely in mid-winter to cook a summery stew.
The same for the chillies. Simply freeze whole and take out what you need when you need them. I forgot one packet at the bottom of the freezer when I couldn't walk for a few years - they were still really good 3 years later :)
Feb 26, 11:20pm
goodness surely it is UP TO A READER TO decide which recipe they want to try Uli your recipe sounded like a pesto to me but have tried it and about to make the second option as it sounds delicious Hope you won't be offended.whewww
Feb 27, 12:31am
No wonder the thread numbers are down. Too much bitchyness!
Mar 4, 7:20pm
Goodness me I was just after some suggestions - Many thanks will try a couple of these - Cheers
Mar 6, 10:21pm
Well mines a disaster - it looks like soup and is not thickening I have followed recipe correctly - only thing I think it could be is the peppers and onion too minced! The colour isn't nice either --- Any ideas
Mar 7, 12:55am
Mine was lovely .did you use the jam setting mix! I had trouble ascertaining whether it was at setting point .saucers in & out of the freezer with a tspn of relish each time .got it right in the end, but I do that with any jam type preserves, anyway. I cheated a bit & added a dash of green food colouring .waits for the naysayers to rubbish me! ;o)
Mar 7, 7:35pm
jaybee6, I finally tried the relish yesterday and it was lovely. Thank you for posting it. Sorry you had to take all the negative fall out, but I appreciate that you posted it and it is one I shall make regularly.
Mar 8, 6:51am
Thanks for that Cooks. To the person above who said it was disaster well not sure what you did.It is definately not a thick pickle, it is more of a runny type. I guess if you want it thicker then add two jam sets. It is meant to be minced up fine.Nothing wrong with the colour.
Mar 8, 3:21pm
cookessentialsI have another lovely jam receipe ifyou would like it made from tomatoe. The best jam ever and makes 10 jars for so little money you spend on the fruit at this time. Let me know. I have just made my first batch and already everyone is asking is one of those for me.
Mar 8, 5:15pm
Hey jaybee6, yes, always nice to try different things and we still have plenty of tomatoes growing at the moment. Look forward to the recipe.
Mar 8, 11:58pm
Please give us the recipe jaybee - I'm 'tomatoed out' .dehydrated - done relish/chutney - heaps done Sauce -done, don't use a lot, I've plenty for give aways & personal use
Mar 9, 12:01am
Mine went a bit sort of quite paleish/yellowish - so, as I said ^^^ there somewhere, I added a couple of drops of green food colouring, more for aesthetics than taste & it still tastes great.
Mar 9, 9:26pm
Ok Mock Rasberry Jam. Devine. 3kg tomatoe.1.5kg sugar.2 pkts jam set.8 1ltr pkts of Raro juice.Rasberry.
Peel and core tomatoe.Cut small and boil till soft.Add jam set till and stir dissolved.Then add the sugar and boil for 15min.Add the Raro and boil a further 5min.The receipe says one pkt of jam set but I use two and it is far better.Remember to use firm tomatoe.This is awesome jam and everyone hates when it has run out.Enjoy.11/12 jars.
Mar 10, 12:02am
Thanks jaybee, I'd love to try half that recipe, but I'm not sure the Raro plus that much sugar is quite my style .but I'm definitely going to 'file' that recipe & thanks for going to the trouble to share it. I hate waste of home grown produce, so may give it a go & use the jam for desserts etc.
Mar 10, 1:53am
Hey samanya the Raro is sugar free so no harm. It is better than any jam at the supermarket.If you make half you will curse and wish you had made the full amount lol.I make three batches of this. Devine.Let me know lol what you think.
Mar 10, 1:59am
Thanks jaybee, I'm keeping your recipe .tomatoes still ripening atm so won't be trying it just yet, but I'll certainly let you know. I still might only make half the recipe cos I don't eat much jam at all (apart from marmalade)
Mar 10, 3:14am
Here's a similar recipe that was posted by mwood.It must be American because of the reference to "Jello" which is Jelly crystals:
GREEN TOMATO JAM 4 c. chopped green tomatoes 4 c. sugar 1 lg. pkg. raspberry Jello Cook green tomatoes and sugar. When done, add dry Jello. Put in jars and seal. Tastes and looks like raspberry jam.
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