When I want a nice fluffy rice to have with butter chicken/curry meals my boiled rice always goes gluggy. I have been buying basmati rice. What rice do you use!
Mar 10, 3:34pm
I like the Kings basmati or jasmine rice when we do have it.
Mar 10, 4:29pm
I just use any Long Grain rice. My secret is to bring the water to the boil, add the well washed rice (learnt from a woman who regularly had asians staying), bring it back to the boil and turn the element off. Put the lid on and leave approx 15mins test to make sure its cooked. Then rinse in a sieve with cold water to stop cooking back into pot and on stove and fluff wuth a fork to seperate the grains. The lady who showed me this method said to make sure you wash the rice in a sieve until the water runs clear, its to do with relaesing the starch so rice doesn't go gluggy.
Mar 10, 4:42pm
basmati for mine
Mar 10, 5:04pm
Thankyou cgvl, I will try that as I never rinse my rice first
Mar 10, 7:29pm
I rinse my rice as well (sometimes). I just use brown or white long grain rice, any brand - usually Budget though from Pak n Save. I just put it in a large pot with some water and boil it till its cooked then drain off the excess water. Husband's rice always comes out gluggy when he cooks it because he doesnt have enough water in it and uses a smaller pot. Mine always comes out perfect.
Mar 11, 4:08am
I put 1 cup long grain rice into a large plastic microwave proof jug, 2 1/2 cups cold water, pinch salt & a drizzle of oil.microwave on hight for approx 15 mins or longer.lovely rice!
Mar 11, 4:14am
Same as angel404. No probs. basmati. I Don't wash it.
Mar 11, 10:20pm
wash rice first real well then put 1 cup off rice to 1 1/2 cups water put in pot turn element on high stir leave on high untill bubbling then soon as bubbles put lid on and turn ring off put leave it on the ring it bubbles over a wee bit but dont take the lid off and then let it sit for at least 20 - 25mins
Mar 12, 12:25am
Basmati or Sunrice brown or a mix of both - I like the nutty flavour of the brown rice - into my rice cooker, add the water, flick the switch and wait until it flicks back again.Done - never gluggy, always fluffy and I never rinse it either.
Mar 12, 12:40am
I soak my rice for about 20 mins. Rinse well then its 1 cup rice and 2 cups water. I sometimes add crushed cumin seeds or crushed coriander seeds to give it a nice flavor:)
Mar 12, 1:46am
Plus 1 - although I alternate between brown or Jasmine. ora mix of both.
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