Well it looks like my dear old Sanyo Breadmaker has died! I've 'only' had it about 20 or more years and its made quite a few loaves in that time. With a bit of luck hubby may be able to repair it when he gets home tonight - otherwise its a new one. What brands do you recommend? - as there are a lot of models to choose from. Thanks in advance for your comments!
Apr 26, 12:28am
Apr 26, 1:21am
I have a brand new, in it's box and never used. Cant remember the brand - would have to have a look.
Apr 26, 1:44am
If you enjoyed the Sanyo and appreciated then may one suggest to buy another, it is a matter of knowing the brand that one is use to than finding another brand that will or could be a little unfamiliar and re-adjusting oneself to it. Sure there are some excellent ones overall around but just adding thoughts for you for further consideration... ...
Apr 26, 2:27am
Yes indeed Valentino - how I wish I could - but the Sanyo isn't made anymore! Thanks for your help anyway.
Apr 26, 2:44am
Golly gosh, I'd better look after mine then.
Apr 26, 2:59am
Yes take care of it - mine has been excellent. I have just looked at the Consumer site for their recommendations and they comment that the newer models aren't as good as the old ones. A 7 year old Panasonic produced a much better loaf than the newer ones did. The best model from their testing was a Tefal so it may be worth me having a look a that. There is a brand new Panasonic just on the market - but its very expensive - $299 at one of the places I just looked at. The Tefal is going for $139. 99 at Noel Leeming. The consumer says if you buy a 2nd hand Panasonic (and they are hard to find according to them) the parts are hard to get these days. The Tefal is looking good... . !
Apr 26, 3:07am
I bought a Tefal earlier this year, and I also bought a 2nd hand Panasonic. Honestly, I use the Tefal more than the Panasonic. The Panasonic smells better cooking, and the crust is a bit crisper (I generally just use the basic settings). Some weeks I'll only make a loaf or two and other weeks, it's used every day - depends on what is planned for dinner, what I'm doing and if I decided to bake something. A friend of mum's had a Panasonic that died, and bought a Sunbeam (not sure which model) - I think she took it back as wasn't pleased with it.
Apr 26, 3:36am
Thanks for that unknowndisorder - its good to hear your thoughts on the Tefal. I think a lot of products these days that had great names in the past - now rely on that name. A lot of things are now very cheaply made to cut costs which is showing in them not lasting the distance compared to older models. Sunbeam has let us down lately and they used to be so reliable. Such a shame.
Apr 26, 10:53am
Oh well - it looks like a new breadmaker as mine can't be repaired. Don't you hate it when some of your elderly and reliable kitchen items finally 'call it a day'? ! !
Apr 28, 3:19am
I've recently bought a jar of Tasti breadmaker yeast and need to confirm my theory. I'd made a couple of different from normal loaves last week, and the bread came out funny shapes and not spread out enough, but still yummy. This week I've been making my usual breadmix loaves and same thing. Not sure if I need to add more water (like it has been suggested elsewhere), but tried more of the yeast stuff today and still not happy with the result. I've gone back to the Edmonds yeast packets to see if it's that and not the breadmaker crapping out, so will post after my next loaf (might make another later on). I'm pretty sure it's the Tasti product, as am convinced the problem has coincided with me opening the jar. Trust me to decide to try something different, rather than sticking with the Edmonds stuff I'd been happy with.
Apr 28, 3:28am
I have 3 breadmakers, bought one ( sunbeam) and inherited two others. . a panasonic and a remington.
of the three . . I like the remington big loaf one best for wholemeal loaves and the sunbeam for a partial wholemeal loaf. the panasonic seems to cook a touch longer so you get the crunchy crust but it's just slightly overcooked to my taste. Still the teenagers eat it anyway.
I use the tasti breadmaker yeast in my machines with good results. . i tried the edmonds yeast and my loaves didn't rise quite as high.
Apr 28, 5:02am
Just making another loaf and after less than an hour, I can tell it's back to normal. Obviously the Tefal doesn't work well with the Tasti breadmaker yeast. Maybe I should try it in the Panasonic as it seems a shame to throw out (the yeast). I know breadmakers all work differently as to what goes in when, but blimey, mine definitely has as wierd a personality as me.
Apr 28, 5:35am
nzhel... . what is the model #LOL... I threw out the paddle in the last part of the loaf and the chooks/pheasants/ ducks or whatever have taken it and now desparately looking for a paddle for a Sanyo SBM20. If hubby cant fix yours would be keen to buy the paddle
Apr 28, 11:30am
You're in luck coromandelbliss my now 'dead' Sanyo is model SBM20 according to the info on the back! I would be more than pleased for you to purchase the paddle so as you can use yours again. I had never thought to offer any of its parts. How do we go about this now? Do I just list it as a normal auction on TM? I wouldn't imagine many others would be interested in bidding for it but would like you to have it!
Apr 28, 7:46pm
Aaaah FANTASTIC I can smell the fresh bread already ! ! ! Off to work so will sort out timimg and then maybe get you yo list it with a buy now... if you let me know the timing. will be online again this evening. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH
Apr 28, 11:38pm
Oh - I'm so pleased for you! I know what its like when you break/lose a part etc and you can't get it anymore so have to throw out one of your good old reliable 'gadgets'! I thought of 'buy now' but what if a 'murphy's law' happens and another member snaps it up? Probably unlikely - but it could happen. Would an auction with the shortest possible time be better? - with a buy now added? Not sure how it works as I've never used 'buy now'! I will keep checking the recipes section tonight for your reply - I will be out for a while so it will be mid to later evening.
Apr 29, 5:34am
Murphys law would just be typical txt me your home # on 027 Double Two one Seven six three nineand I'll call you... have limited cell coverage here but at least txts get through.
Apr 29, 9:20am
Just sent text!
May 6, 4:59am
#13 I have a tefal and it is very hit and miss to getting a loaf that works out, just got a panasonic and love it already.
May 6, 12:17pm
Got my Tefal last weekend and have made 3 loaves so far and not had a problem yet with any of them. I have just been using my usual old favorite recipes and they are turning out really nice.
May 6, 9:10pm
the one thing (which I didn't realise when first got it), was using lukewarm water. With the Tefal put in water, oil, dry ingredients. With the Panasonic I've got, it's the other way around. I do cheat even further, by just using a multi-grain breadmix and the loaves come out consistent. The only times they didn't work out, was when I used the Tasti breadmaker yeast, which is why I know now not to use it in the Tefal. I have been happy with the breadmaker, and use it constantly (my husband thought it was another of my dumb ideas). We only buy bread now if making toasted sandwiches. Thankfully we are all different, and what doesn't work out for one person, does work out for another. :) NZHel: Glad you like your machine, I'd feel bad if it hadn't have worked out for you :)
May 6, 9:50pm
Hi, I have a Panasonic and love it. Know that they stopped making them a few years ago but noticed in a local flyer that a new model Panasonic has just been released - in time for Mothers Day! !
May 6, 10:01pm
I have just bought the new panasonic model -$299 - very disappointed with it. Blade is always stuck in loaf, finished bread is very small and doughy - maybe will have to experiment with quantities of ingredients. My previous panasonic model was great!
Apr 7, 4:01am
Oh thats very disappointing for you allimack. Perhaps try some of your old favorite recipes if you aren't already - they may work better. With my new Tefal - their recipes seem a little unusual to me. There is an included recipe book which looks Australian and they mention for NZ users if using Surebake yeast to double the amount the recipe says. My old favorite recipes are turning out fine. I think a lot of it has to do with our flour, yeast etc compared to other countries.
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