I have just bottled my first attempt at preserved lemons and put a bay leaf in with it but the bay leaf is now going brown.I am presuming this is just due to the pickling process but would be keen to hear from people if this is normal.
Jan 23, 4:15pm
That's normal.Nothing to worry about.
Jan 23, 4:29pm
Sweet thanks for that.Was worried I had done something wrong.
Jan 23, 11:30pm
What do you mean by "I bottled" - fermented things are not "bottled" which would include boiling etc.
Jan 24, 2:43am
What what, has obviously gone into bottles. Suggest you go suck a lemon
Jan 24, 4:31pm
If you put preserved lemons into a bottle (ie glass container with a narrow opening used for pouring) firstly you wouldn't get them in, secondly you wouldn't get them out.
Preserved lemons go into jars.
Perhaps you could partake of that lemon yourself.
Jan 24, 4:53pm
Jan 24, 5:45pm
I've never heard what we call 'bottling' (in jars) 'jarring' .have you! I think we all knew what #1 poster meant. (except one)
Jan 24, 6:04pm
Only in English usage as, for example, "the post in #4 struck a jarring note" ;)
Jan 24, 6:23pm
For sure.
Jan 24, 9:40pm
Really! Whats the point in saying that, we know what OP meant, talk about splitting hairs
Jan 24, 10:08pm
'Fermenting' wasn't even hinted at .one has to wonder if fermenting is on the brain. As far as I know, pickled produce is not fermented.
Jan 25, 12:58am
samanya and antoniab and elliehen and dalkemade- I realize that you have not much idea about cooking and preserving from what I read about your posts on here - however "Preserved lemons" are fermented.
They do not get "bottled" which would mean putting them into jars and either boiling them in the jar - or boiling them and transferring them hot into a jar and then sealing. You do NOT do that with "Preserved lemons".
So that is why I questioned the OP. Of course you can ferment them straight in the jar - but that would not explain why OP first fermented them - then "bottled" them.
If you have no idea what "preserved lemons" are then it might be a good idea to refrain from posting nonsense - however that is most likely too much to ask.
Another option would be to google and switch your brain on while reading - but again - maybe that is too much to ask.
Jan 25, 1:06am
What's sauce for the goose.
Jan 25, 1:36am
. Is "knowsleying not much" for the gander .
Jan 25, 1:50am
Oh the arrogance & ignorance! Where did poster #1 mention fermentation .she didn't, you did! she was 'preserving'lemons .so that's fail #1 for you. You have no idea what any of us preserve/cook or how long we have been doing it .fail #2! How the hell can you possibly know what any of us cook/preserve .so who is posting nonsense! If it's not done YOUR way it's incorrect, it seems.
Jan 25, 1:56am
As per usual, it makes no sense.
Jan 25, 2:40am
I wonder if you boil your wine before bottling it too ;)
Jan 25, 2:42am
Lost in translation ;)
Jan 25, 1:18pm
You may feel the need to preserve some gherkins now. First post went down well, second pending!.
Jan 25, 3:40pm
wardgirl might never come back.It was her first ever post in Recipes and to strike poster #4 so soon was just pure bad luck!
Jan 25, 4:32pm
You are probably right. I've noticed a number of people who ask a question on the messageboards and then never come back. I know that usually in those threads, someone has been nasty, sarcastic, pedantic or just generally unwelcoming. I don't go into all categories as I have no interest in some, so can't say it happens everywhere but is certainly common in a lot.
Jan 25, 7:10pm
God you're full of yourself lol
Jan 25, 7:55pm
I'm confused.I've just looked at a couple of recipes online for preserved lemons and they don't mention fermenting.I was thinking of preserving some lemons as there are some bumper crops around at the moment.
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