Does anyone have a tried and has worked receipe! It HAS to be white, not off white or yellowish. Thanks.
Jan 15, 8:27pm
Look on vegan blogs and I am sure you will find one.Havent made it myself but have seen vegan wedding cakes covered in white icing so there must be recipes out there.
Jan 15, 9:07pm
Make butter cream icing useing softened Kremelta instead of butter, and buy clear essence if using any.
Jan 15, 10:51pm
do you want buttercream! try making some using some margarine and add that whitening stuff you can get made by Wiltons. Btw the more you beat the butter/margarine before adding sugar, the more lighter it will be
Jan 16, 12:01am
I would use half margarine and half kremelta.
Jan 16, 11:20am
Fondant is dairy free and gluten free.
Jan 16, 5:00pm
Royal icing is dairy free as well.just icing sugar and egg white/lemon juice. Bit hard to help if we don't know what kind of icing you need though OP!
Jan 16, 8:15pm
my icing is always dairy free. Icing sugar and water with a bit of van essence added.
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