What do I look for in the supermarket, can't find it. Brand!
Jan 4, 1:28am
Go for hard cheeses from the deli section and have less of it. ( I have parmesan on my sammies, and crumbled feta)
Jan 4, 1:58am
Jan 4, 2:23am
Anchor do a lite cheese.
Jan 4, 2:24am
Or bega light cheese blocks are what I buy for weight watchers
Jan 4, 2:36am
yes to Edam
Jan 4, 2:37am
Yes, exactly. Reduced fat cheese is never going to taste as good as a small amount of proper cheese, and those strong hard cheeses have a lot of flavour in just a tiny amount.
Jan 4, 2:50am
edam for sure.
Jan 4, 6:24pm
This - I'd rather have half the amount of tasty cheese than eat the rubbery tasteless stuff that passes for "reduced fat".However, having said that, both Lemnos and Mainland make a reduced fat feta which is not too bad at all - tastes almost like the real thing if you're not bothered about having goats milk feta.
Jan 4, 8:53pm
Anchor edam is lovely, creamy and doesn't go mouldy like some other brands.I used a Mainland low fat feta at Christmas and that was very nice and very low in fat for any cheese.
Jan 4, 9:22pm
But edam doesn't taste like cheese
Jan 4, 9:34pm
Hear hear, it tastes like plastic.
Jan 5, 2:14am
You can buy an extra tasty version of the bega extra light cheese. Seriously tastes like tasty cheese
Jan 5, 2:23am
Feta is made from either goats milk or sheep milk. What is made from cows milk is not feta but some imposter.
Jan 5, 5:06am
Bought a wonderful gooey sheeps milk cheese today that has me wondering why we even milk cows. Much nicer texture and flavour.
Jan 5, 3:37pm
Yep much nicer and more fat too :)
Jan 5, 8:41pm
I obviously don't agree or I wouldn't eat it.
Jan 5, 8:48pm
Not ricotta.I tried some of that and it was horrible. Light cotton wool with not taste.
Jan 5, 9:27pm
Edam25% less fat
Jan 5, 9:46pm
I wouldn't even class ricotta as cheese - I quite like it as a spread on fruit toast or corn thins with lemon honey though
Jan 5, 9:53pm
Within the European Union, only sheep/goat milk usedfor "Feta". Other countries do not fall under this legislation and the name of the cheese will vary, as will the origin of the milk. In NZ we are secure enough in ourselves to know what we (most of us) are talking about. No imposters, just friends.
Jan 5, 10:03pm
Get over your fear of fat and just indulge.It's natural fat, unlike vegetable oils with trans fats in it which causes cancer and heart disease amongst other things.
Jan 5, 11:22pm
I've recently eaten Dodoni feta, which is Greek, sheep and goat, and really delicious.It seems to be quite readily available and not expensive.
I really must think up a name for my home-made cows' milk cheese - it's a Turkish-style fresh brined cheese with a Flora Danica culture, very soft and creamy.
Jan 5, 11:36pm
As it is a white cheese why not use a Maori word for white! Waiti is the literal translation for white and taitea means be pale/white. Tihi is a sort of translation for cheese.
So you could call your 'feta' waiti tihi or taitea tihi. Or even just waiti or taitea cheese.
Jan 5, 11:39pm
I saw a Mainland 'light' tasty cheddar in Pak n Save on the weekend, it is in light blue packaging.This was Petone branch.
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