Fat Free Marshmallows

bellus_sybarite, Mar 25, 12:04am
are good cause they are fat free !

lilyfield, Mar 25, 12:10am
and full of sugar, lol

prawn_whiskas, Mar 25, 12:16am
Which turns straight to fat!

Fantastic marketing.

elliehen, Mar 25, 12:37am
...only for very stupid consumers ;)

isis., Mar 25, 12:37am
just toasted mine over a candle

flatmate activity :)

prawn_whiskas, Mar 25, 12:50am
Those that follow the low fat way of dieting fall for it every time.

knowsley, Mar 25, 3:12am
The "fantastic marketing" is the stuff done by the low carb authors - carbs "turning" into fat is a very rare occurrence in the human body.

elliehen, Mar 25, 5:16am
Stupidity respects no boundaries and takes no prisoners - there are fools following all kinds of diets.


elliehen, Mar 25, 5:23am
Some people even eat brains, believing they will make you brainy ;)

"Baked Sheep's Head

Split open the head, and remove the tongue and brains. It is generally best to soak the head after this in a little warm salt and water. Tie the two halves together, and bake the head in the oven for about a couple of hours, basting with butter or dripping. Potatoes, cut up, can be baked with it. Boil the tongue separately, and make some brain sauce by boiling the brains, then mashing them up with a teaspoonful of mixed sweet herbs (see Herbs) and some butter, pepper and salt. Stir these brains over a gentle fire for some little time in a stewpan. Place the brains round the tongue, and serve in a separate dish from the head."

elliehen, Mar 26, 12:37am
.only for very stupid consumers ;)

elliehen, Jul 8, 5:41am
Some people even eat brains, believing they will make you brainy ;)

"Baked Sheep's Head

Split open the head, and remove the tongue and brains. It is generally best to soak the head after this in a little warm salt and water. Tie the two halves together, and bake the head in the oven for about a couple of hours, basting with butter or dripping. Potatoes, cut up, can be baked with it. Boil the tongue separately, and make some brain sauce by boiling the brains, then mashing them up with a teaspoonful of mixed sweet herbs (see Herbs) and some butter, pepper and salt. Stir these brains over a gentle fire for some little time in a stewpan. Place the brains round the tongue, and serve in a separate dish from the head."