Have just bought a cheese making kit. And the recipe says to use full cream milk.What is full cream milk nowadays!I think it used to be silver top bottled milk.But now!I have no idea. Thanks
Dec 17, 10:20pm
Dark Blue top
Dec 17, 10:24pm
Great thanks. Now to get some and try the cheese making.looks so easy.
Dec 17, 10:34pm
i have made an Annabel Langbein cheese.It was a little too soft for me, but I have heard the kits are great and there are some good recipe book.Good luck and enjoy!
Dec 17, 10:52pm
Lol I was coming in here to start a cheese thread. I use farmhouse milk (supermarket) -what kit did you get! Last night I sliced my first hard cheese, it is a Cheddar, I am not too unhappy with it at all, I don't like a tasty cheese and this was borderline tasty but hell it is my first attempt and liked by MOTH and kids so it can't be that bad. I am just finishing off a cream cheese tonight to stuff some little wee dew peppers to do a trial run for Xmas day. I wouldn't recommend Millies recipes tho as I have had problems with some of their cheeses. Hopefully others will come in and give you some fail proof recipes that I also would appreciate :)
Dec 18, 1:22am
Where do you buy cheese making sets and are they exspensive!
Dec 18, 2:09am
So, if I was to purchase a cheese making kit as a xmas present for someone that hasnt dont cheese making before which kit would you suggest and where from!. Am in Christchurch. Thanks
Agree with bean_pod, avoid blue top milk as it is homogenised, you need whole milk the silver top one with cream at the top. You will get a better result as the fat particles haven't been distributed all through the milk and will coagulate better for cheesemaking. It is more expensive which is silly considering it is less processed, but then maybe there isn't the demand for it!
Dec 20, 12:50pm
Been away and have just returned to see if there was more good advise.Okay I cant use blue top.But where in Chch can I buy whole milk!I bought a Cucina direct cheese making kit.It has instructions for Ricotta and Mozzarella cheese.Don't want to stuff up my first making. Thanks for all the advise so far.
Dec 20, 2:16pm
These may help, some one said in another thread try a shop on the corner of Fitzgerald and Moorhouse, Liberty Organics. they might be able to help point you in the right direction, or here http://www.facebook.com/nz.arm!sk=wallGoats milk and some cheese making recipes is available here, http://www.lenabosafarm.com/ If you have no joy with those, as someone suggested getsilver top at the supermarket.Happy cheese making.
Dec 20, 3:08pm
Any supermarket will have Silvertop milk - look for the purple label.
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