Instant Beer - Just add water for camping?

rosel4, Nov 30, 4:58am
I saw on TVNZs Good Morning show a powdered beer mix to just add chilled water to for instant beer.

What's it like, and where can we get this please!

mwood, Dec 1, 12:53am
You will not get an alcoholic beer with this but you can make an effervescent and beer (malt) flavoured drink.

kuaka, Dec 1, 2:18am
Sounds like "beer flavoured" soda stream!

pickles7, Dec 1, 4:47pm
sounds to me like "Beer batter", just add water, to the dry beer batter mix from a pkt. May be a little yeast in it.

digger148, Dec 1, 6:00pm

digger148, Dec 1, 6:05pm

Not a powder, but a beer concentrate

fifie, Dec 1, 7:08pm
Looks like you need one of these to mix it in and the concentrate.

janny3, Dec 2, 7:55am
I saw that instant beer on the Good Morning show last week.Wouldn't mind getting some if I knew where.

beaker59, Dec 2, 5:25pm
Then there are the instant Yobbo's, just add beer.

chevcamaro, Dec 17, 3:35am
santa did it

juliewn, Dec 17, 5:29pm
Is it on the Good Morning website.