What about the authentic steamed pud that goes with hangi? I've got 2 crockpots but don't have a recipe
Oct 24, 7:55pm
hehe! The liquid smoke gave it a nice smoky touch, I got one of those $2.50 packs off here and used one of them. I have another CPH cooking today, everyone loved it last week so looks like it might become a Sunday meal instead of a roast.Its cheaper too!
Oct 26, 1:18am
Gee duno anabelles...i have a mate i'm going to see shortly i can ask her..she make's all that kinda stuff & it's FAB!!! Holy coyoteblonde..where's the $2.50 pack's? Of liquid smoke? Damn i missed those lol....dooh! I haven't tried our's yet from that place over Nelson...BUT i think i will tomorrow night as all this talk is making my mouth water. Yea Sunday hangi meal sounds like my kinda tradition to lol...
Oct 28, 9:33am
Thanks for those pictures!Almost drooling onto the monitor, this thread is turning into torture!Lucky some mutton roast was on special @ Countdown.
Oct 29, 11:53pm
my liquid smoke arrived today...Im using pork with mine tomorrow hope it turns out as nice as yours sounds doI use the whole 2.50 packet of liquid smoke?
Oct 30, 2:28am
Those pics were wonderful.
Oct 31, 12:41am
You will have to wait for coyoteblonde to answer that micky as not sure how much is in those $2.50 packs? I put about 2 teaspoon's of mine into a bowl of water like someone suggested in here & then dropped my vege's into it, then took them out when had everything org for crockpot & shook excess off & that was me....was yummo!!
Nov 2, 11:17pm
well I in the end just added the sachet to a table spoon of water then poured it over the pork...it was so dam yummy I went out today and brought a huge ass roasting dish and lid so tonight Im doing chicken and lamb and veg ...why so muchyou ask...I took a sample down to mum and dad and they want some too...have ordered a 750 ml bottle of liquid smoke too...
Nov 3, 1:06am
LMAO micky...go you!!!
Nov 27, 9:11pm
mmmmmmmm The smell in my kitchen is divine.The chicken is really melt in your mouth yummyness (new word in our household.) Thank you for posting this recipe. I can see what we will be having at least once a week. Best thing about it is no mucking around and it looks after itself when I am so busy.
Nov 30, 1:03am
I would love the recipe for the steamed pudding and custard too please, if someone has it to share? Oh my goodness, I'm drooling! It has to be the real Maori steamed pudding recipe please! Thanks so much.
Dec 1, 3:41pm
Bumping to the top again, because thanks to some kind, sharing message boarders, I am going to make this for tea. Have a great, wonderful day everybody, and give a stranger a smile and a hello today. You could be the only person that has taken the time to acknowledge them in a long time. Peace and Joy to all men, not only at Christmas, but every day throughout the year!
Dec 1, 6:35pm
Okay ladies and gentlemen, I have my slow cooker on with the potatoes on the bottom, a chook on top of that. Next, there's kumara and pumpkin on top of that. Then cabbage leaves, couldn't fit many in the slow cooker. My home made stuffing is on top of that, then some tin foil. Hopefully, the hangi will be ready by 6pm, as five of my children and three of my grandchildren will be here for tea. I also have more hangi cooking in the oven, have not long put it in.
Dec 1, 6:40pm
Would some kind/helpful person please give me a rough estimate of how long the hangi in the oven will take to cook? I have pork chops, a small amount of potatoes, pumpkin and kumara, then I layered heaps of cabbage leaves on top. Next came the tinfoil, then the lid. I also added some cut up bacon bones to my hangi in the oven, and to the hangi in the slow cooker. I couldn't get a bacon hock, I think that bacon bones are great for a smokey flavour. That's my little tip. Thanks in advance, for any info.
Dec 11, 8:09pm
Just bumping this up, it sounds great would love to try. Does anyone have the hangi steam pud recipie?It is sooo yum and I haven;t found a recipie yet.
Cheers all
Dec 12, 2:13am
This is gonna be a new fave in our house. Had no trouble getting the kids to eat this. Thanks for a great feed. Tino Pai Kai !!!!
Dec 12, 5:59pm
lol tuman its demanded in this house now...all the boys want it at least twice a week ...by boys I mean 13, 25, 26 (my 3 sons)
Dec 13, 5:20pm
Dec 13, 6:28pm
I sold my crockpot ,..off to look for another now,....great stuff!!
Jan 11, 12:01am
Just tried this today for the first time, turned out awesome. Will be doing it again for sure.
Jan 18, 1:04pm
Interesting cooking methods. Would this work? Lay cabbage leaves on the bottom of the crockpot. Place meat, then a layer of cabbage leaves, then potatoes, kumara, etc, then lay more cabbage leaves, then stuffing on top. Who thinks this would be ok, thanks!
Feb 7, 9:29pm
thanks for the great tips on doing a crockpot hangi jam-sam, i like the idea of the stuffing on top to substitute the " Dirt " effect. cheers!
Feb 7, 10:05pm
that would be fine Drewz :)
Haven't read most of this thread but all I do is:
*Peel and lay the spuds/carrots/kumara on the bottom of the crockpot.
*Split the chicken down the backbone, brown quickly on the stove top.Lay the chicken on the potatoes.
*put cabbage where it will fit on top of the chicken.
*fill all remaining spaces with my special stuffing.
*my stuffing is basically, bread cut up fine, onion, garlic, raisins, apricot jam, LOTS of mixed herbs, salt and peper and eggs to combine.I make HEAPS of it, cos it's great on it's own lol.
Mar 20, 8:01pm
Would love the hangi steam pudding recipes to try in the slow cooker too please?
Mar 22, 3:35am
jam-sam wrote: I just used the Warehouse or Mitre 10 stuff. Nothing but the cheapest here lol.
so are you growing it in dirt or water! are you able to post a picture or email one of your set up!
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