In the post that has the recipe (#7) I originally wrote it up until the last sentence about not putting the stuffing on top... the poster copied and pasted from another thread then added that last sentence. I have not made it without the stuffing so that might make a difference in some peoples crockpots. I just love the stuffing flavour in there and like I said it creates a seal to keep the steam in. Just thought I would clarify that as it looks like it is all the same post :)
Jul 5, 3:27am
I like your stuffing. We also add a tsp of plain ol' Greggs kiwi curry pwdr and some melted butter PLUS garlic. It's remarkably good in a traditional hangi. Can't wait to try it in your crock recipe.
Jul 5, 9:14pm
So when you make The stuffing you put it over everything so it seals everything in. What do you do with the liquid that comes after hours of cooking. Have ordered liquid smoke today from Nelson and should be here in a couple of days by courier and then I will make it, can't wait.
Jul 5, 9:30pm
Sometimes there is more liquid than others... I guess its dependent on how moist the chicken is and maybe what veges I use. If there is a lot, I drain it off (very carefully) by peeling back the stuffing, moving things to create a space and spooning it out with a good size serving spoon. I would do this about an hr or so before serving. I have only had to do it once though, for some reason it evaporates just the right amount through the stuffing.
Jul 5, 10:29pm
Thanks jam-sam Another question... Do you cut cabbage up or leave it in leaves? ? And you place that over chook and vegies before putting stuffing on? ?
Jul 6, 3:41pm
I leave it in big leaves... I had no cabbage last week so used bok choy and silver beet out of the garden and it was fine. I put it over the veges and chook as you said, then the stuffing on top.
Jul 6, 4:34pm
I used a piece of pork and it was just revolting! Too fatty even though there wasnt much fat on the pork. Will give the chicken a try next time!
Jul 6, 4:47pm
i did this the other night and it worked great for me. The chicken was cooked so well I had trouble getting it out of the crockpot. LOL. What I did not like was that the potatoes were abit soggy. But its the best way to cook a chook.
Jul 7, 2:24am
soggy spuds I used gourmet or Maori potatoes because they can be cooked in the skin w/out going mushy or too soggy. Trouble is my stuffing is always a bit too moist - which is fine for an open roast or real hangi but not for the crock. Live & learn eh. Thanks for the recipes and the thread.
Jul 8, 12:35am
Anyone tried this recipe Wrap all veggies, meat and stuffing in banana leaves or tin foil as per traditional hangi and sit in crockpot, with a smidgen of water at the bottom. Put cabbage leaves down first , then veggies, meat and stuffing if liked, together on top of the cabbage. Put another couple of cabbage leaves over veggies. Wrap everything in tinfoil encasing everything with cabbage with cabbage and pop in crockpot. Salt it once out of crockpot and ready to eat. Not try it myself yet. Just wondering how it would conpare to the other recipe.
Jul 8, 4:55am
Did the original post with wild pork absolutely yummy! Even those that usually won't eat wild pork loved it. Used silverbeet chopped & put whole silverbeet leaves over top (no stuffing) used small unpeeled gourmet potatoes underneath.
Jul 8, 5:13am
Do you have to use the liquid smoke?
Jul 8, 10:02am
Thanks for the reassurrance tehenga I did like you & put silverbeet & cabbage layers over the meat n veg. Then wrapped foil over that & weighted the otherwise loosely fitting lid on firmly. My chicken just fitted inside the slow cooker. So I squeezed pumpkin, spud & kumara around the bottom and poured the stuffing where it fell into gaps because there wasn't space to spread it over the top AND get the lid on securely. I'm hoping it'll be as good as yours. I think the layer of stuffing over the top is a good idea, much like layers of earth in a real hangi but it just wouldn't fit. Cheers!
Jul 8, 6:55pm
Bloody Hell I'm gonna be the size of a small village in no time, you guys are too much this sounds excellent. All I need now is some help getting my Rewana Starter Plant sorted and we're in heaven. I need to know how long I have to feed it, I know about the water one day sugar the next I just need the method etc if someone could enlighten me I'd really appreciate it. Thanks
Jul 9, 2:36am
Same! Just went back into kitchen to pick some more. If you want rewena info check out sworldwide/forum/topics/rewena-bugoriginal-starter-bug
Jul 9, 5:17am
Thanks Janny Have registered for that site thank you
Jul 10, 12:33am
Bump ...
Jul 10, 2:18pm
Thanks It is great Last night we had the crockpot hangi and it was wonderful. Cabbage so sweet you wouldn't believe. Thanks ants9 and jam-sam for sharing your recipes. I couldn't fit the stuffing in so cooked it separately (added some Cajun Spice to it) Delicious. Am sending these recipes to my overseas children. Am going to start my own watercress. growing
Jul 12, 1:41pm
made this for daughter and son in law. they couldnt believe how tasty it was and how easy to make...
Jul 13, 4:42pm
and again .
Jul 13, 5:52pm
How about using a pressure cooker instead?
Jul 13, 6:01pm
This sounds great! So are you saying no water? bit worried as I will be going off to work and leaving it cooking, what about a cup of water?
Jul 13, 7:09pm
No water, I used no water and found that I had to spoon out the juices from the meat nearer the end of cooking as a previous poster had suggested. I used silverbeet instead and didn't do stuffing as had run out of time. Also I didn't use my slow cooker lid but covered the top with tin foil. It was really nice and will definitely be making this again
Jul 13, 7:26pm
#75you will be save with out water. . I think a cup ofwill spoil it. What meat are you using? If it is a chicken there will be plenty of liquid form it's own juices.
Jul 13, 10:39pm
Well had it last night We had chicken. It was delicious. I was'nt sure how much smoke to use so I did what someone else suggested and Mixed the smoke with water and soaked the chicken and vegetables in it before putting in the crockpot. Maybe next time a tad more smoke. There is enough left over for tea tonight as my crockpot is big and only 2 of us here. Everytime I open the fridge I can smell the hangi. .
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